If that’s true, then why did Smith buy a whole bunch of test tubes and syringes prior to making his offer?
If that’s true, then why did Smith buy a whole bunch of test tubes and syringes prior to making his offer?
Dude, look at the number of comments they got on Apu think-pieces compared to almost every other article on the site. It’s a topic that generates a lot of clicks. And you clicked on it and commented too. Frankly, they’d be idiots not to bang this drum.
Honestly, would it be the end of the world if they ended The Simpsons?
I think I read a comment on here a few years ago saying that Hayley Atwell would be perfect for the lead if they ever decide to adapt Fatale into a series, and I couldn’t agree more.
No, watch the episode again.
I mean, there’s a sizable section of the country that’s terrified that their guns are going to be taken away, and have taken to denigrating teenagers that have survived a mass shooting. But, sure, only progressive outrage counts.
Uh, I’ve come to this late, but just wanted to say that Marge may be a busybody, but even she drew the line at censoring classic works of art (see Itchy & Scratchy & Marge).
Also, sometimes it won’t even matter how successful or rich or powerful you are. You can become the most powerful person on the planet, and people will still ask to see your birth certificate.
Well, speaking as a Chinese person, I was at least glad they addressed it and then phased out the character.
Jesus, when did this become a competition?
I know, but at least they did something
Agreed, as a satirical show, it needs to keep up with the times. And having an Indian character voiced by Hank Azaria remains slightly at odds with the show trying to being in step with the modern age.
They’ve also retconned the history of Homer and Marge several times already. And the show has smart phones and tablets as well as flat screen televisions. It might be harder to paint Springfield as a place that never changes when it clearly has kept up with every technological innovation in the past 10 years.
I bet none of them reads this article, but thanks for sharing it.
KoTH is a great example of how by ending in 2010 it managed to avoid having its own Apu problem with Kahn. I love KoTH, and Kahn had his fair share of hilarious storylines. But I doubt they’d be able to justify having him voiced by Toby Huss if the show were still on the air today. In its favour, they at least had…
I can’t help but feel that a lot of this could have been avoided if the show had ended at least 10 years ago.
John McCain-y
God, has it really been 20 years?
Okay, but you get that the “super-intelligent gorilla” is the one that’s trying to kill the man who will become first black president, right? So, what’s the message here? I guess what I’m trying to say that whatever sort of underlying message or interpretation there is falls apart when any scrutiny is applied because…