Lord Andre

I think you may be overthinking the inherent goofiness of a storyline which involves a gorilla that was given super intelligence because of space powers going back in time to murder Barack Obama.

Asian person here, and you make done very good points about Long Duk Dong subverting Asian stereotypes in the film. Unfortunately a lot of the jokes also revolve around the fact that he is Asian, which is the problematic part. I mean, the character is introduced with a gong sound effect. And nobody who was going up to

A flip phone user?

I don’t think anybody who boasts of not owning a TV, or watching any TV, but still goes on the Internet can claim any sort of intellectual or cultural superiority.

If nothing else, it’s the only Ghibli film in which tanuki spirits launch an attack on people with their scrotums.

But it comes with a free choice of topping!

Come join my Ancient, Mystic and Sexy Society of No Dirtsides.

My liege!

I’m gonna get the papers, get the papers because I still believe in accountable print media.

So we’ll march day and night by the big cooling tower

Maybe he should have played “Wesley’s Theory” too.

We used to have to pay for news, so I guess we’re not really readers or consumers really. We’re just here.

I watched The Last Crusade in the cinema at the age of 7, and I don’t think I’ve ever been as terrified in a cinema as I was during the trial of the Penitent Man.

Did anybody else hold their breath to see if they could have made it as well?

Those examples you’ve given really don’t reflect the same sort of public and gaudy display of wealth as erecting a bronze statue.

I’ve only watched this film once, but damn if the visuals, performances and story haven’t lingered in my memory to this day.

Nope, it’s actually The Warriors. Specifically that one scene. In fact it’s literally that scene spliced into the movie without warning or explanation.

I quite like this one too:

Haha, I was actually saying this about the Netflix Daredevil series too. “Imagine you’re watching Season 5 of The Wire, and then suddenly Omar starts fighting a bunch of ninjas.”

I can’t imagine anybody making a superhero as idiosyncratic and defiantly strange as Batman Returns now. There’s too much emphasis on world building in the storylines, of a film acknowledging its place in the scheme of a multi-movie arc.