Lord Andre

Steve and Sharon in an adaptation of James Joyce’s story “The Dead”.

Splint Chesthair!

Has Google autocomplete gone too far?

Honestly, I’m just happy that people are still talking about A:TLA.

Precisely, I thought that one of the best things about this show was that it had female protagonists who were as unapologetically horrible and self-deluding as Tony Soprano, Walter White or Don Draper.

There’s a time and place for subtlety, and that time was before that decided that the title of the show should be typed out “UnREAL”.

Also the title of Chicago post-rock outfit Tortoise’s 2nd album!

This sounds like a fascinating book, and one which I’ll have to check out. I can’t help but wonder what Norman would have made of Sufjan Stevens.

wtf is iron eagle lol

And teeth!

Well, which is more scientific?

But he didn’t keep his mouth shut about it. In fact, he helped to debunk his own theory. He tried to disprove Bekenstein’s theorems and ended up proving them and became convinced that Bekenstein was right and that black holes can emit radiation:

I’m trying to find examples where he was explicitly anti-science. The closest thing I could find was his disagreement with Jacob Bekenstein regarding the thermodynamics of black holes, which he set out to disprove, but ended up affirming Bekenstein’s theories after performing his own calculations. That doesn’t strike

Let’s make litter out of these literati!

This took finesse and a lot of thought and effort. My dad used to just fart on us.

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Fronkel figured it out?!? Fronkel???!!!

Inherent Vice is actually quite fun and one of his most accessible books.

yes i said yes I will Yes

His films aren’t amazing, but his tv work is pretty solid. I’m thinking in particular of John Adams.