Lord Andre

I also thought it was a mistake to end the film where it did, with a very odd scene in which Lyra effectively acts as a hype man for the rest the story by gushing to Pan about all the exciting adventures they’re bound to have (“A hundred years Pan and Lyra adventures dot com!”)

I also thought Sam Elliott was perfect for Lee Scoresby.

Nice shoes, uh, two feet.


Didn’t they essentially make that movie with Taxi Driver though?

There’s so much to love about this image, but I think my favourite thing about it is the casual, “Morning boys”. He’s not even shouting it. Nobody’s going to hear him say that over the sound of his guns and the roar of the dragon and the screams of his victims. He’s just saying that purely for his own amusement. He

Please indulge this old pervert

I’ll get the camera.

My mistake!

It’s flabbergasting that The Passion of Joan of Arc didn’t receive a nomination, seeing as it effectively bears all the hallmarks for what would now be considered Oscar Bait (biopic: check, period drama: check, powerful central performance: check, story of protagonist sticking it to the system: check, courtroom drama:

She was her own bringer.

I’m gonna get the papers, get the papers

Oh the irony of calling Lisa Simpson out for being humourless.

Ugh I miss The Grinder so much. That show deserved better.

Yup, it’s kind of like the anti-Her.

*Spike Lee tweets Hawaii Five-Oh’s address*

A extra large double whopper meal, drink, fries and all. I don’t recall how I snuck that in, as I was drunk at the time. I do remember how much it smelt in the theatre, though. Not my proudest moment.

I call this the “Duck Season! Rabbit Season!” method.

This is what I thought too. The power resides not in Chris being arrested by a police officer, but in the fact that the entire audience has been conditioned to see law enforcement (usually the ones that save the day in these sort of films) as a threat.

Noel Gallagher’s DVD commentary on his band’s own videos is one of the greatest things ever.