Lorcan Nagle

I know. I’d been waiting since they mentioned that the Federation was still around to see what’s left of it. I don’t know what the reviewer is on about.

The way that storyline was just left open, makes me assume that there’s more there we’ll have to wait for.

I felt it was implied either she found out more or something additional happened with cronenberg that we didn’t see, but I’m glad I didn’t miss anything specific.

I actually liked the irish security guard/fixer guy before he got booted off a cliff - He had a lot of presence for a bit part, too much in fact; I thought there was no way she would kill him, he’s clearly going to be a recurring character. But no.

I also find it kind of funny that despite the fact that almost the

Super glue: The only adhesive that bonds exclusively to its nozzle & human flesh!

Nothing more ridiculous than “political lesbians”, for those unaware, these are straight women who claim sexual orientation is a choice and force themselves to sleep with other women to deny men sex to “fight the patriarchy”, claiming it’s bisexual women who are lying to themselves.

Having finished the show now, I agree it meandered a lot, and there’s probably a half-dozen ways they could have done things to end with a similar cliffhanger and had more plot progression.

“I’m also left wondering why every Irish person in the show is horrible?” .

I ended up really liking this show, but my biggest critique is that it could have taken half as long to get where it was going. The cliffhanger at the end also feels a bit more like daring Netflix not to give them a second season.

A conversation I could have had with myself :-)

DD is probably 2nd best in my book, a lot to enjoy there in spite of some missteps.  I loved JJ season 1 but i think  seasons 2-3 were enough of a step down that i don’t view the series as a success on the whole, despite Ritter being awesome in the role. Show would have benefitted hugely from more of a “case of the

You like it way more than I do. Which is awesome of course. For me, the first season of Jessica Jones and Daredevil reached heights the show never has (and they had their weak episodes). And I don’t think it can compare well with the best of the movies. But it still is a ton of fun at times.

i would definitely say its the best of the mcu tv shows, hands down

Not just overly harsh but not very observant.

“Most notably Data could do the nerve pinch in Unification, while McCoy and Spock’s merged minds couldn’t in Search for Spock suggesting there was more to it than just using a pressure point.”

I’m not a Trekkie, and now I feel blessed.

Agreed, I liked this episode overall, despite the obvious stupidity of having an android “learn” how to do a Vulcan mind meld. That actually had me lol.

Yes, but also that is very tempting. She’s like an addict. She has to fight it every day and she knows it’s bad but if she succumbs to it again she knows that, just like all the drones, she won’t want to leave.

I think it predates Nemesis even. Remember when Patrick Stewart wanted Picard to seem more energetic and so they changed his uniform to a polo shirt and a jacket? The jacket was very similar. Stewart said in an interview this week that “no uniform” was a strict condition he placed on the producers, so it wouldn’t