Lorcan Nagle

Every single instance of Trek since (including?) the original has been made for commercial reasons. TNG was made because TOS and its movies were popular. DS9 was made because TNG was popular and nearing its end of life. Voyager was made to launch UPN. Etc.

The criticism with this show is strikingly similar to the criticism of the Star Wars sequels. “LUKE SKYWALKER WOULDN’T ACT THIS WAY!”

i appreciate that you are grappling with your bias(es) against the show. two things might help:

Well, because like many, many candidates that the talking heads in the Democratic Party have prematurely deemed “electable” before, ya know, actually seeing whether the voters might like anything they have to say, Bloomberg does the things that these talking heads deem “important” quite well.

“This season’s harvest is going to be a good one. Romulans make great fertiliser”

How would that work?  Is both Jim and Huckleberry black?  Is it swapped?

Man, so much rage in these comments. I think Zack’s being a little overly harsh, but some of you guys, jeez. Is set design really that serious? Ten seconds of a vape-like thingy, that’s a big deal? Not to mention I don’t have much use for the whole “the Federation would never act like this” crap. Didn’t the root beer

OK that one made me laugh.

something something Bringloidi ..( actually hopefully the romulans raised that fucking colony to the ground)  

The only real value of Insurrection is, it’s the one time we actually got to spend some time on the Enterprise E when there wasn’t a massive crisis in play. Something about that was genuinely nice. But the rest of the movie is so insane and contradictory.

Honestly as a huge Star Trek fan it seems to me the people most angry about things Star Trek have no real desire to watch Star Trek to begin with. They have a shallow idea of what Star Trek represents and only watched a single series (typically TOS, DS9 or TNG in order of what they think Star Trek is). The idea and

Its almost like that other Star fanbase...

It wasn’t Lucas’s story to tell—he sold the franchise. It wasn’t J.J.’s either—he’s admitted to making it up as he went along and refused to plot out a three-movie arc. What’s upsetting you is that Johnson didn’t tell your story, or what you had built up in your head about what the story was supposed to be.

Hot take: everyone has been taking Star Wars way way way way way more seriously than they should have been since about 1993 at least, if not earlier, and everyone should shut up about it for a few years.

I know, right?  I kept expecting a commercial.

I send this clip to my brother on Valentine’s Day every single year.

But the worst thing is...me...fatty...sideburns lady...the mutants at table 9...apparently we have absolutely nothing to offer the opposite sex. 

It’s weird that this kicked off a wave of nostalgia for the decades which still hasn’t ended more than two decades later. Can you imagine a movie released this year doing something similar for our previous decade? Lady Bird would be the closest thing I can think of, and that’s way more specific than broad.

Agree about the new characters waking up. This is another head-scratcher. It seems to be done purely to fuel more stories and to bring in some new blood every once in a while. If there are more competent people asleep..why aren’t they woken up immediately? Why were these people woken first if they are so bad?

My ex said she prefers her thumb drive over my data port. "Five inch floppy's are obsolete," she said. I wasn't hacking it anymore. :-(