Lorcan Nagle

It worked for Stalin

I’m not sure how that part is relevant?

Yeah and what happened right after the walk of shame? The Mountain and Qyburn were waiting for her and picked her right up.

just like in LOTR. in after a victory the armies of men were completely or almost completely decimated yet there was always a brand new full sized army ready for the next fight. 

I mean they could drag the legal system into years of vicious debates about the merits of human mayors, but who wants that kind of cost?

I think your analysis of the Battlestar Galactic finale is frustratingly inaccurate. If you aren’t a fan of the religious iconography and solutions that end up playing a large role in the finale, that’s fine. But to argue that these elements are added in later seasons or come out of the blue is inaccurate.

You have to suck a particular kind of way to pilot the title Gundam of the series and lose. Shin Asuka sucked so much Kira had to come back to save the day.

Also a whole movie where it turns out he has a brother he never mentioned to anyone.

no it isn’t?

Yeah, I’ve been pretty disappointed in a lot of reviewers and their attitude to Discovery - which has been extremely coloured by how they felt about TNG and DS9. Of all people, they should be able to separate the two for professional purposes, at least for the time they spend writing the review.

I think Discovery has

I say again: We are watching completely different shows.

It’s official: “Mary Sue” must be expunged from the vernacular. It’s become a garbage term for whatever the user doesn’t like, and reality is bent around it for convenence. Michael knows everything? She fixes everything?

Like she knows what the red angel is? Except the first words out of her mouth in

Agreed! When she popped up I was hopeful she’d become a non-background character, too. They kinda wasted Wilson Cruz in the first season. His doctor was just sort of... there. They didn’t develop his character at all or give him much room to breathe in scenes, other than being Stamet’s love interest.

Another for the “bizarrely angry Discovery review” pile. This one is better at seeming like it’s not a “waaaaah this doesn’t make me feel like TNG made me feel when I was 9" screed than the ones on Reddit, but that’s all this is.

About time too! 

I’m pretty sure they ran this by their lawyers ahead of time. I suspect they just thought they’d get a subscription bump and badly underestimated how their existing base would react to having a garbage truck of toxic crazy dumped on their playground.

They were also doing the lisp wrong, because actual lisp is only a thing in some parts of the South of Spain, and certainly not in the North, where its restricted to certain letters: “caza” would be a lisp, “casa” would not. But I laughed, it was funny, and they did a pretty good job with the Spanish if they are not

“Let me tell you something. We need a two and a half hour movie about the Doors? Folks, no we don’t. I can sum it up for you in five seconds, ok. I’m drunk. I’m nobody. I’m drunk. I’m famous. I’m drunk. I’m fucking dead. There’s the whole movie, ok!? Big fat dead guy in a bath tub, there’s your title for you.” 

Exactly and I’m hoping they keep going and Coulson some how survives