Lorcan Nagle

His novelisation of TMP has this whole section going on about how humanity is evolving into a telepathic species called New Humans who were haughty and insular.  As a result space exploration was a job for the less evolved.  Suffice it to say he was a bit weird at times.

Depending on your tolerance for interesting concepts but awful character work, early cancellation might be a blessing.

Similarly, a lot of people who are backing her now were screaming about her character in Mandalorian being Woke up until she was fired.

I quite enjoyed the first novel, but the follow-ups left me cold.  Some interesting ideas but for the most part the characters in the books just kinda mill around so Liu can have someone watching the events play out.  Maybe D&D can add some motivation and agency to the characters if they go on to adapt the later

sorry buddy, but the closest Gervais has ever come to funny was a cameo in Spaced

Work friends of mine in the early 2000s were at me to watch The Office and one of them practically forced a DVD of series 1 into my hands.  I laughed once - at the stapler in the jelly.

Your very presence here and insistence on replying to everyone is proof that you found their opinions on the unfunny person who tells you things you want to hear offensive.

I’ve watched the movie of that and can confirm it’s both fun and a ripoff of Star Wars

I have described it to people as “you know in Evangelion when Gendo or Misato will hang up a phone and say ‘The Tolyo-2 Government has authorised NERV to destroy the Angel’?  Shin Godzilla is the story of that phone call”

You can see my great-grandfather’s jail cell in three of these movies! Kilmanham Gaol, which was used to house the rebels captured during the 1916 Rising (my Great-Grandfather fought in the Mendicity Institution, right across the Liffey from what’s now called Collins Barracks) was restored and made into a musuem to

At least The Commitments made the list!

Yeah, if Alien was made today the pissbabies would hate Ripley for all the same reasons they hate Rey and Captain Marvel.

See, if they back down now they might have to admit they were wrong about Snyder’s movies, so it’s ride or die time.

He’s younger than Gary Numan though.

The bit where he learns that everything on Fuck Buddy Mountain was fake cracked me up so much. Fantastic performance

Still better then Lennongrad

I assume if you have a VPN and can set it to the UK you’d be able to get them from the BBC iPlayer? 

This is like how the Cartoon Network in the UK used to put on six hours of The Magic Roundabout late night on Friday and Saturday

To be clear, GB news is “like Fox News” in that it’s reactionary, full of shit and will eventually mount a legal defense that claims nobody in their right mind could take them seriously. GB News is so unpopular that it’s been beaten in the ratings by Welsh dubs of Paw Patrol, and it’s been estimated that there are

The full remaster is on Paramount Plus in the US, unsure about other territories.