Lorcan Nagle

The accounts are incorrect, given the guy who wrote Darmok amongst many other episodes of TNG-era Trek wrote for the first two years of Discovery, and another writer on the show was the main Voyager novelist for years, and she went on to be co-creator and an executive producer on Picard.

If anything, series 1 of Discovery is a refutation of the conclusion of the DS9 episode In the Pale Moonlight - in both stories the protagonist makes a decision to forgo their morals in favour of what they see as the greater good, but while Sisko decides that’s OK, Burnham realises she was wrong to do so.

Prominent in terms of being important in-universe, sure.  But the Caitian dancer got more screen-time and fought Kirk, so she’s more prominent on-screen and probably to a general audience.

There were Caitians in Star Trek IV and V, but the most prominent one was the dancer in the bar on Nimbus III in V, so it’s not a tall bar to cross.

I think we all know it’s the humans

Yeah, I’m in the same boat. I just don’t see why they’d adapt Strange Dogs for series 6 if they’re not planning to pay it off later

It’s a common thing at corporations, especially “fun” ones to theme the names of meeting rooms and other bookable spaces. Like I was in one of the google offices in Dublin and all the rooms on the floor I was on were named after characters from Discworld.  By comparison the company I was working for at the time named

I’ve seen a few fans attack the movie for being slow and not having much action, but that really misses the point, and this review gets it way better. this movie is more interested in setting the tone for the rest of the story, and that might not make it a good stand-alone movie, but it certainly intrigued me enough

I worked the bar at a Mumford and Sons gig in 2019, an all-day open-air thing where they headlined and had a few support acts.  The last support act was a similar folk/rock type setup, and sounded so similar I thought they were on, so when I checked my phone as they left the stage and it was only 8, I was wondering

One of the (ten!) announced Star Wars shows for Disney Plus was Rangers of the Republic, which was assumed to be starring or at least featuring Carano as Dune, given she had become a ranger in Mandalorian series 2

I’m done with the stupid piece of shit show. Luke was the last straw. Yeah, it was cool to see him come in and kick ass, but it’s at least the third example this series alone of Din Djarin get into a situation where he’s about to die... and instead of figuring out how to escape or come out on top someone shows up and

Makes it all the more puzzling why Jordan thinks libs would be offended.”

pssst, it’s Nemesis Games. Babylon’s Ashes is book 6.  Unless this is a subtle hint that they’re combining books 5 and 6 into a single volume for the show...

And of course, the ring on Gary Cole’s right hand there was a prop from Crusade that he kept after the show was cancelled - so that’s a graduate of EarthForce academy there...

The point I was making was more that traditional food production in Trek hasn’t been replaced by replication and seems to be a thing that’s more than a luxury for retired Admirals

Mu wild guess is this is the stealth pilot for the Section 31 show, and just to mess with us, it’s going to be a mirror-universe version of the agency lead by Georgiou working against the Terran Empire to bring about an egalitarian future.

Trek has always been inconsistent on the use of replicators for food on a planetary scale. DS9 had repeated mentions of famines on Bajor as they tried to rebuild their agriculture industry, even though other episodes mentioned the Federation gifting them replicators. There’s similar stuff on occasion in TNG, but not

The thing is, Handlen is a Trek fan, or at least he reviewed a ton of the classic shows for the AV Club back in the day. I don’t know if it’s just because he doesn’t care for DISCO, or he’s burnt out or whatever, but there’s been factual errors almost every week.

I’m not angry any more, this is sadly par for Handlen’s DISCO reviews

My guess is Series  5 and 6 are gonna be more or less straight adaptations of their respective novels, and the Laconian stuff just doesn’t get addressed