Lorcan Nagle

I got the Death’s head trade Marvel put out a little while ago and was a bit let down that they had to leave the Doctor Who crossover stories out. When Panini did a collection of Death’s Head about 10 years ago they were able to include everything, but I didn’t have the cash at the time. They also did trades of

Well, she did kill T’Kuvma when she and Georgiou beamed over to the Sarcophagus to capture him, reasoning that his capture would demoralise the Klingons, whereas their prior plan of killing him with a hand-delivered torpedo warhead would martyr him and enrage the Klingons.

About 15 years ago, the entire G1 cartoon got released on DVD over here and one of my best friends bought every episode at a con. A few weeks later I got a text from him saying “Optimus Prime is not the great leader I remember”

I buy very little music these days, but I’ll always go to Sound Cellar for my concert tickets.

It’s been a constant feature of Handlen’s reviews of DISCO, sadly.  A shame as his classic Trek reviews were really good.

Tower kept going in Ireland and Japan thanks to manager buyouts locally.  I feel like the bigger one in Dublin went down in quality after they moved to Dawson Street though.

Rachel Ancheril, who plays Nahn has been added to the main cast, so I assume she’ll be back in a few weeks. The same way David Ajala is main cast but not in every episode.

I assume it was the revelation that the Terran Empire fell, which happened about 20 years after she jumped universes but she has no way of knowing.

It’s also strange how fast we went from “the Federation is gone” to “here’s the Federation!

I disagree with you about modern Trek, but I’m with you on The Mandalorian. the problem isn’t that there’s no major ongoing story arc, it’s that each episode’s internal story ranges between bad and mediocre, there’s almost always some sort of plot contrivance (like the X-Wing pilots coming back to kill the Spiders but

A friend of mine legit thought I was kidding when I told him it was a TV show now.

We already know it’d be great:

Apparently they go to Earth next week, so I’m assuming we’ll get a better look at the state of the 32nd Century Federation then.  

It has already been renewed.  

They literally say in the episode that the Federation isn’t entirely gone - Sahil even finds two Starfleet ships in sensor range when he looks for Discovery at the end of the episode.  

I really enjoyed it.  There was at least one moment each episode that had me in stitches, even when I wasn’t laughing out lout I was enjoying the jokes, and it stayed on the right side of laughing with Trek instead of at it.

The Consider Phlebas show has been shelved, apparently there were irreconcilable differences between Amazon and the Banks estate.  The Imperial Radch/Ancillary novels were optioned a few years ago but no word since then.

You’re right, it’s not rise of Skywalker, because at least RoS tried to do something even though it didn’t do a good job of it. I’d take one RoS over a dozen Mandalorians any day of the week.

SJW originally came from left-wing discourse on the internet, primarily tumblr. It was used to describe a particularly online type of leftie who would berate everyone else on their ideals and how they were doing activism wrong, but when pushed on what they were actually doing themselves, invariably they’d be doing

You know that joke about Rise of Skywalker being written and directed by Reddit? That applies just as well to The Mandalorian, only it’s obsessed with Star Wars fanservice rather than “fixing” The Last Jedi with the worst fanboy ideas ever.