Lorcan Nagle

Don’t worry, the books are finished.

Except Denise Martinez - that bitch I cannot stand.

I’ve been working on a post here for a coupe of hours, and it was really a bog-standard “here what I used to say abut AoS and my mind changed about it with the big reveal” and all that, but really, how many other people have said the same thing here over the years?

I thought the second episode was better than the first. Similar number of laughs, but bigger ones. Less of the Rick and Morty/Archer-style rapid-fire dialogue, and a lot of jokes that are referencing Trek standards, but not just in a “hey, remember Bolians?” kinda way.

A few years ago, when trying to convince someone that AoS had improved beyond series 1, I sent them clips of both those fights to show just how good the choreography had gotten.

I thought episode 1 was decent enough, I laughed out loud a few times, and the plot on the ship was basically any given episode of Trek, but played for laughs.  It wasn’t great, but I found it enjoyable.

Yeah, they’ve pretty heavily foreshadowed that she’s gonna kill Malick

Apparently the deal SyFy struck with Alcon entertainment gave them the bulk of the advertising money from its airing on TV, but little to share of the streaming and home video revenue. So while the show was a critical smash and doing well outside of traditional viewing, the ratings were so low it wasn’t making them

Agent In the Middle of my Backswing?!

Dental Plan!

Heroes, and to a lesser degree General Talbot/Graviton in series 5.  I’m hoping if they go down that road again they have a different angle on it, especially for a big finale

I might have laughed a bit too much when he glued the tire to his hand

Yeah, the UK tabloids are wonderful. While Piers Morgan was editor of the Mirror, they frequently hacked people’s voicemails to get stories, including the family of a missing child, IIRC.

And in a fantastic display of ghoulishness, one of the UK tabloids tracked him down and interviewed him, and he said he’d abuse her again in an instant and of course they put that quote on the front page. Lovely guy.

To be fair, there are only two Irish characters in the show, and one of them is a nun, so she’s guaranteed to be horrible. (My mother-in-law is probably the staunchest Catholic I know and even she loathes nuns)

Having finished the show now, I agree it meandered a lot, and there’s probably a half-dozen ways they could have done things to end with a similar cliffhanger and had more plot progression.

Oh, they’re starting to go after bi people again now. It’s great

I’ve been watching the show today, and while I can’t say it’s all that good, it’s also not very bad. And I’ve spent a lot of time in the part of Spain they filmed in and it’s been very amusing spotting places I’ve been (the Warrior Nuns’ church is in Ronda, a mountaintop town that was the last Moorish fortress in

Actual conversation with my wife back when My Name is Earl was on

Agent Notable Absence