Stan Lee Man, Stan Lee Man
Stan Lee Man, Stan Lee Man
He’s going to regret that since they won’t be able to get a replacement till they head back to Tycho. I hope the busted coffee maker remains in the background of the mess for the rest of the season.
Me have pretty simple explanation: Star Trek fans hate Star Trek. Or, more accurately, anything new related to Star Trek. People who paid full price to sit through Generations, Insurrection and N——— are now trying to convince you that Abrams Trek is worst thing ever to happen to franchise. (STiD was pretty terrible,…
Seriously? Me thought Burnham, Saru, and Lorca were as good as any characters Trek ever produced. And we actually get to watch characters grow and change over course of season. TNG told us in first half hour that Data want to be human, Picard have thing for Crusher but won’t act on it, Riker is blandly jocular,…
“Has Tig ever expressed a love of SciFi or Star Trek?”
Right, because previous Trek shows only hired serious thespians, like Iggy Pop, Mick Fleetwood, or Joe Piscopo. Me still confounded by people hating Disco for doing exactly what other Trek shows have done, but with better pacing and special effects and no silly throwaway episodes.
They just stopped this season (e.g. The most recent season of The Magicians was unbleeped)
I believe he broke out of that cult.
Just out of curiosity, if you’re a citizen of the Republic of Ireland and you go to England for an abortion, could you be prosecuted for that?
Everyone except the Stalinists were there to fight Franco. Fuck Tankies.
This is so depressing... This show is great, I don’t want it to end just because of ratings.
Yes, I can confirm or deny this.
Of course there were. There were two interesting things that happened before the show was made (our past) and one interesting thing from after the show was made (our future).
Although that’s not Jason Isaac’s natural accent. He chose to do a big broad Yorkshire accent on purpose.
The Soviets routinely airbrushed “inconvenient” people out of old photographs. Imagine how thrilled those censors would be with today’s technology. They could simply digitally remove Jeffrey Tambor from the movie!
Growing up in the 80's as a disabled kid who was really really into science, I cannot overstate how much of an inspiration Hawking was to me.
I assumed that was just the Bear Patrol doing its job.
I worked on this movie! I was SO young. I helped build the Bulldog shaped cafe, and I knew Billy Campbell from his Ren Faire days (a very nice and simply alarmingly handsome man). I am so PROUD to have worked on this film, and I am so delighted whenever people express enjoying it.
Lie down in the couch.
I’m gonna kill you. (lyrically)