Lorcan Nagle

The sign of the true Star Trek fan is that any news about Star Trek makes them angry.

She’s a probationary officer in the UK - which is about as far from being an armed police officer as you can get.

To be honest, I think Firefly is a bit overrated - it had tons of potential but very little of it was realised in what we got. The rate of improvement in the last 5 or so episodes showed so much promise though.

The review is fair, and I know the grades don’t really count but I do feel the show rates better than a C+ - not much better, but a it’s a solid B for me.

To be fair, Luke force-choked some Gammoreans in RotJ

I’m in a similar boat to LaurenceQ, and I’m basically intending to finish out the first series and then decide if I want to stick around for next year.  I definitely feel like this is an incredibly generic show with some high points - mostly acting and production values - but if it wasn’t in the Star Wars universe

I thought I noticed something strange about episode 1 but couldn’t put my finger on it.

She was never an aloof nerd though.  She was the head of a venture capital company.  If you don’t think people like her are capable of going to prison... Well, I guess you don’t pay attention to the news?

I figured that was more along the lines of another dangerous person hiding out rather than another ex-Rebel special forces type

The closing music sounded like a very weird remix of The Laughing Policeman.  Or at least, the laughter sounded like it was sampled from that song.

He should be the next Top Gear presenter

Possibly, but they’re vulnerable to being smashed by Gato’s Claw...

Just pirate it.  But I’m not enjoying the show anywhere near as much as most people seem to be.  If this wasn’t Star Wars, I think this would be rated as a substandard Dark Matter/Killjoys clone.

I’ve said it many times in the past, but the moment of heroism in Watchmen is the pages in New York just before the Squid teleports in, when Joey and Aline are fighting beside the newsstand, and Detective Fine, Malcolm and Bernie all try and intervene. In the case of the first two they don’t even know Joey or Aline,

I assume it’s relying on that psycho frame for protection.

I watched it on the recommendation of people in the Jessica Jones comments here and wasn’t disappointed.  Underrated classic right there.

The producers are basically gambling that enough people will go see the film because they remember Fantasy Island in some way, shape or form that it’ll offset whatever the cost of acquiring the license was - regardless of the actual content of the movie.

The Mandalorian’s long rifle is the same as Boba Fett’s in the special.

Definitely read the comic, it’s a masterpiece of writing and infinitely rewarding - the more you learn about comics the more amazing little tricks and details come into focus.

Your argument is running all over the place, so at this point you can claim whatever you like and it’s still rubbish.