Lorcan Nagle

That screenshot doesn’t back up your argument the way you think it does.

I’ve done my research which is how I know that you’re wrong. You can just admit you got angry because instead of actually looking at what is actually being said, you’ve paid attention to reactionaries who are farming outrage for profit.

it’s not like you offered any actual evidence for your claims.  That which is asserted with nothing can be dismissed with nothing.

OK, but none of that is an accurate reflection of the term’s usage.  Or even an accurate reflection of reality.

Cis is a latin prefix that means “this side of”, and is the antonym of “trans”, which means “the other side of”. They’ve been used in various science and engineering contexts for centuries. Their use in gender studies is consistent with this.

The hey, look, the 80s! jokes do grate a bit by about the halfway point, and I think given the slew of nostaliga-based comedies and stuff like Ready Player One they’ve probably aged far worse than the rest of the movie.


Yeah, a friend of mine in school was big into it - mostly for Chandler’s sarcastic remarks - and got me watching it for a year or two, but the shine went off it fast for me. The soap opera elements began to overwhelm the comedy, and the comedy just got more catchphrasey and the characters increasingly became

In a weirdness, the voice actor who plays GIR is a pretty good comics writer and artist. He and his wife have been working off and on with Jhonen since the Squee days,

Kier Duella played Brooks in a stage adaptation of The Shawshank Redemption about 10 years ago in Dublin of all places.  I had a double-take moment when I saw him on the cast list in the programme.

It looked to me like the Chonicoms were trying to destroy the Zephyr, and they deliberately positioned it so it’d timejump and lead the missiles to hit the temple.

What gets me abut the show is that the crew of the ship act like idiots, and you can’t even handwave it off as the writers being bad at their jobs, because there’s that one episode where they thaw out the backup xenobiologist and he explicitly calls out the main one for being bad at his job!

Leaks a few months ago suggested that the small ship Picard ends up on is a civilian transport ferrying people to and from a site of archeological importance, and Picard is going there in relation to a mystery that becomes important. My guess is most of the big moment clips in the trailer are going to be from the

Apparently it’s the one they showed slips of in the trailer where Spock and Number One are stuck in a Turbolift.

Annoyingly, Picard is going to be on Amazon Prime outside the US, while DISCO remains on Netflix for the forseeable future.

Yeah, she all but waved a flag saying “I’m the Big Bad”

Isn’t that basically TNG Series 8?

Do we even need to speculate as to whether the Shrike also destroyed the Chronicom homeworld? It’s blatantly obvious, right?

Well, there are spikes going on here too...

She said she regretted letting him into her recharging pod, and he said he regretted letting her access his data port, IIRC