Lorcan Nagle

Yes, I meant to say south and had a brainfart.

The “Irish island” off the cost of which Gorgo was found was actually shot in a coastal town slightly north of Dublin, and is quite a wealthy neighbourhood. But most of the extras in that sequence are genuinely speaking Irish, and a lot of what they say is... shall we say less than complementary to the main characters.

I really hope that if season 7 is confirmed, as they said it is

There’s always just enough guys. The same way the Dothraki got schwacked at Winterfell but there were loads around this week and last week. Or Euron rebuilt the Iron Fleet in a few days.

There are trans men and non-binary people who don’t identify as female but are still physically capable of getting pregnant.

At this point I just take proclamations about the number of soldiers remaining with a pinch of salt. Winterfell was like the third or fourth time the army of the North has been slaughtered, and yet there’s always just enough dudes for the next battle

Selina asking him wasn’t it a law that the mayor had to be a dog, and he replied “it’s not enforceable” was an amazing highlight

As I understand it, Destiny was originally meant to be Zeta to Seed’s 0079, with Shin being Kamille, Athrun being Quattro, and Kira being Amuro. Like Amuro in Zeta, Kira would have a significant role for like 10 episodes and then leave. But poor fan reaction to the early chunk of episodes left the creative team

SEED gets a bad rap from a lot of fans, but I quite like it.  It’s basically a mix  of 0079 and Wing.  SEED Destiny is godawful though,

The Gundaminfo YouTube channel has a lot of the TV shows available at any time, and frequently puts up OVAs and movies for limited time periods. 

Like a lot of people here, I can’t really have any sort of detached opinion of this episode, it’s the cumulation of a highly emotional show, and I have no compunctions about saying that I was emotionally invested in it for a long time.

I was cracking up at that point, and then lost it when she added ... To God a second later.

I loved that Greg was there for at best one of the moments he and Hector flashed back to.

Isn’t it easier to just accept that Spock never talks about his relationships with Kirk? In TOS alone there are two episodes with shock reveals of Spock’s wife and the identty of his parents.

I replied to a number of the criticisms last week. 

Roddenberry hated the film and said he didn’t consider it canon, but he wasn’t in a position to officially decanonise it at that point. He was essentially dismissed from any creative role in the movie side of the franchise during the production of TMP

If the naming convention was STD, then The shows in order would be ST, STT, STT, STD, STV, E, and STD. Which they’re not. DSC is the official abbreviation, but Memory Alpha uses DIS.

I have to say, I’m far more likely to stop reading DISCO reviews on the site than I am stop watching the show. Handlen just isn’t paying attention to the show, picking out bits he doesn’t like and ignoring the things that either frequently explain what’s going on (like the bit last week about Starfleet offering to

Agreed 100%. I feel like Handlen is looking too hard for certain things in the show in a specific way that he misses them in the way that DISCO is presenting them. Like, for example:

Oh yeah, I forgot about that one. It was introduced around the time I stopped watching Voyager, and even Netflix hasn’t been able to tempt to to check out every episode I missed