Lorcan Nagle

Oddly, Ekuna Okama, who played Cynthia in G Saviour also played Lady Une in Gundam Wing. She’s the only actor to have appeared in live action and animated Gundam, but a few of the characters in the Japanese dub are voiced by actors who worked on other Gundam shows.

Oh yeah, I get all that. It’s just the toy one especially makes me scratch my head. Like, it’s Star Wars. It’s been movies selling you toys of people in the back of that one scene for over 40 years now. It’d be weirder if there wasn’t a toy of whomever.

Oddly, when I saw NIN in Ireland 10 years ago, they didn’t bring the elaborate video show, even though it was the height of Treznor’s experimentation with interactive screens and the like.

So I agree that the show could possibly have used an extra episode or two’s breathing space at the end here, just to give the characters a bit more time to shift their positions. Ashford and Melba suffer the most here, as we’re informed of their changes of heart rather than brought through them - A little bit longer

I’ll use the realisation that we live in a bleak, harsh universe and our individuality is incompatible with growing into a successful starfaring species.

I’d kill somebody for a faithful adaptation of Blindsight, no fooling.

The complaint which baffles me the most in all this is the one about them making toys of the quote unquote essjew characters in these movies. Do these guys not remember every previous Star Wars toy line? How many of us who were kids in the 70s had toys of that one random alien in the back of the cantina or Jabba’s

Watching Babylon 5 is always a good idea, but the Earth plotline is incredibly relvant to modern US politics.

The last two episodes are in a double bill next week.

Manny Coto

There’s actually a surprisingly large number of SF fans who see Star Trek as some sort of whiz bang space adventure thing, and the whole blatant progressivist future thing either went over their heads, or was just hand waved away as part of some libertarian ideal.”

I think a lot of what you’ve said here is a fair read. Zack and I were looking more to her character, and you’re looking to her actions, I think? Like, she messed up a few times this week (failing to notice Nemeroff’s warning signs, and not realising Tilly is walking into danger by confronting Clarissa/Melba), and she

My fervent desire is that the end of next year is Archer waking up from his coma in LA, reuniting with Lana and AJ and his mother and everyone else... and then he wakes up from another coma, and it turns out everything we’ve seen has been a dream

Your points about Anna here are a great analysis of her character and why I’m so happy with how they’ve done her on the show. Anna’s great strength is that she cares, and that she cares enough to try and fix her mistakes, even if it’s something like an apologetic message to Nana and Nono after she’s made a decision

When it shows up on Netflix in Europe it’s also uncensored, so presumably the same in all territories where they have the rights (which is basically everywhere except the US, Canada and New Zealand)

I’m a big fan of Clarissa/Melba and it’s around this point in the books that I felt she started to shine.  The problem is a lot of what made her work is internal monologue and being shown things from her perspective, which is harder to pull off on TV.

While I really enjoyed the finale, I can’t take issue with any of the criticisms you raised here, Rowan. The action scenes especially felt muted for me, and needing to resolve the plot meant a huge amount of time was spent on BPO and not enough on the sensates and their cmpanions, which was always the best part of the

Sam was very briefly in series 1 - she was the tech who decrypted the drive data for Fred. But the producers decided to merge her role with Drummer (more or less) for series 2

Maybe Davina’s the pope?

As a big fan of the books, that moment was when Strait properly inhabited Holden’s role for me.