Lorcan Nagle

Bobbi is on one of the Martian ships in the fleet, she and Alex were having a real-time conversation a couple of weeks ago

Fallen was an amazing movie, deserves to be better remembered than it is.

That moment is different in the books - it’s the epilogue to the second novel (most of this week was the start of the third), but my jaw legit dropped when I read that.

Imagine if they’d cast Gethin Anthony and Stephen Dillane as Ren and Stanni.

There’s one or two scenes left from Book 2 that they haven’t adapted, but they probably will (or really should). The synopsis for next week’s episode does look to be elements from book 3.

Errinright’s line about how Sorrento-Gillis echoes whatever the last person he spoke with wanted had to be a poke at that particular public figure.

It’s already on Netflix pretty much everywhere outside the US, Canada and New Zealand, and even billed as an original alongside Orange is the New Black and so on.

Gilfoyle is an asshole because he doesn’t care about anyone else’s feelings, while Dinesh is an asshole because he cares way too much about how other people see him. This means that Dinesh comes off as needy and pathethic whereas Gilfoyle is haughty and superior.

The lighting and light effects this week were phenomenal - all that blue light was used very well to remind the viewer that the Protomolecule is out there doing something, even as humans fight over their limited understanding of it - note especially the cluster of Belter drives at the start of the episode, presented

Wait, they’re giving a full episode for Melba’s first chapter or two? That’s gonna be awesome.

Strickland doesn’t even understand why experimenting on kids might be wrong (and keeping them being happy is just so their cortisol levels stay low and they absorb protomolecule faster).

Fun fact: Wes Chatham rereads The Churn to get into character to play Amos

The greatest crime in recent history is Netflix changed up their 20 classic episodes of MST3K and Pumaman was one of the ones they dropped.

This week’s episode was the third or fourth reference to Roko’s Basilisk in my pop culture consumption in the last couple of weeks (it started with Bob the Angry Flower), so I think I’m being sent messages from the future to get on the malevolent AI hype train

Can’t you hear, can’t you hear the thunder?

I really enjoyed Anna’s introduction, especially them taking the time to get a bit of her relationship with Nani and Nono into the episode too.

How did you feel about Amos fixing the fuel line in the battle at Thoth station?

It’s a true strength of the show that the serious turn at the start of the episode where Ash was mourning Brandy’s death was well-written, well-performed and not at all out of place in an episode where Pablo also killed a deadite with a paint shaker.

Was it responding to being asked if she’d ever been mistaken for a man?