Lorcan Nagle

You always hurt the one you love

Unregulated Crisis pregnancy centres are a problem wherever they rear their heads, and the point of the comparison is to show that the people who use these to manipulate vulnerable people will do so when there isn’t access to needed medical services, let alone where there is.

Good to hear, especially as the producers of these shows are pushing for more mature content. And now I’m thinking of that gag from Stargate’s 200th episode where one of the actors from Wormhole X-treme changed his catchphrase to a string of swear words.

Are they not? It’s unbleeped on Netflix over here, but the Series 2 episodes I saw with the SyFy station ident (uh, when I was on holiday in America? Yeah, that’ll work) were bleeped.

That basically happened with my wife. She was talking about how she thought he was hot, I said “you know he’s a Scientologist?” she replied “and there that goes”

Basically, there are three constitutional amendments which relate to abortion:

A lot of people claim to me that their anti-choice position is not fuelled by their religious beliefs, but their arguments are identical to the openly religious ones.

in Ireland, under the current laws it is illegal to perform an abortion unless the pregnant person#s life is in immediate jeopardy. Anyone found to have “illegally procured a miscarriage” is liable for up to 14 years in prison.

There’s a referendum in Ireland at the end of May to remove the constitutional amendment that blocks abortion legislation, and a load of the anti-choicers are screaming about allowing “abortion on demand up to 9 months”. While ignoring that the people who don’t want to be pregnant get abortions as early as possible,

Treme and The Deuce are both great, but very different to The Wire.  Generation Kill and Show me a Hero might be down your alley in terms of runtime, at 7 and 6 hours total respectively.

I mentioned it in the comments last week, but I saw Bruce Campbell on his book tour of the UK and Ireland, and he was saying that fans of the show really need to support it via legitimate methods of viewing if they want it back.

I was at Bruce Campbell’s Q&A and signing in Dublin a few weeks ago and he was saying that Ash Vs. Evil Dead definitely needs fan support to get renewed - be it watching live or on the Starz app.

I felt it was weird that Ruby’s being presented as being around 18, give or take a year and yet Talbot said he’s known Hale for 20 years and she never mentioned a child.

I really enjoyed the first book (second is in the to-read pile), and while in many ways it’s a fairly typical technothriller th glimpse into the Cultural Revolution and its aftermath is fascinating for someone like me who knows very little of Chinese history and culture

Fitzer Spencer

Unhand that swine, you swain!

I was never a huge Pumpkins fan - I liked a few of the singles, but Mellon Collie was so self-indulgent it really turned me off the band. I remember a friend who was a big fan trying to get me to listen to Ava Adore, saying I’d really like it because it sounded like Depeche Mode. I replied saying I already had a whole

alternative: Take your stinking vaginas off me, you damn dirty apes!

Only in as much as Eva is a deconstruction of a long line of Mech anime all the way back to Mazinger Z in the 70s.

Lisa needs braces