Lorcan Nagle

Seeing Sleeper in the cinema was one of the best comedy experiences of my life.

Bruce Campbell is in the UK and Ireland at the moment promoting his new autobiography, and he did a Q&A/signing/Introduction to a special screening of Evil Dead II last week. And he was awesome and really nice while having about 8 seconds to talk to each person - he was perplexed by my name and I wish I’d told him it

I have a rock here that’s real good at keeping tigers away, if you’re interested.

The Death of Stalin opened in Europe last year, well before the accusations against Tambor came out. It would have been even weirder to replace him now.

The song was uninterfered with in my, er, broadcast region

I got the feeling that Fitz also though it was bullshit but he couldn’t find a better descriptor

This better be about two women who travel the world solving crimes - grab your parka, or maybe a bikini?

Now what does that mean?

I’ll admit to liking the book. It was no bowl of Special K, but I enjoyed it well enough. I can see why other people disliked it and I’m not going to go to bat defending it or anything.

If the trailers are to be believed, The Iron Giant shows up in the bit in the movie where everyone fights in mecha from anime and games.  I can’t remember if he’s in the book or not.

There’s Goodreads, where Ready Player One has a score of 4.31/5, based on 521,967 reviews.

Iannucci spoke about this at the time and explicitly said that they made a deliberate choice to use the actors’ natural accents to represent the huge variation of regional dialects in the former Soviet Union in a way that English-speaking audiences would get in a way that they likely wouldn’t faking Russian accents.

There’s actually two Tower Records left in Ireland as well - one is the top floor of a bookshop, the other in its own space, both in Dublin.  Local management bought them out when the corporate entity went under.

I’m tradewaiting and the first 6 issues read fantastically in a single sitting.

She’s the new version of Swift/The Doctor

It literally is a remix of 90s image!

4. The voice acting industry in Japan is incredibly competitive, exacting, and, overall, much more prestigious. Because so many of the biggest movies released over there are American, an industry of celebrity VAs has grown over the decades to dub them. That industry includes some of the Japanese entertainment

He was on Silicon Valley last year, as a bearded techbro.  He was pretty good, but as soon as I realised who it was, I couldn’t not notice that his eyes have barely changed since The Sixth Sense.

Continue wondering then, I guess?

My take on it is that Coop went back in time in episode 17 and prevented Laura from being killed, which altered the present timeline where he was bringing her to meet her mother, who’s been posessed by BOB/other evil entity. He shifts over to an alternate timeline and tracks her down, brings her to Twin Peaks to try