Lorcan Nagle

There are table-read videos on YouTube of the scripts for the unfilmed final episode of Middleman series 1, and for a crossover comic where the TV and comic versions of the Middleman and Wendy team up with each other.  Both are hilarious.

As soon as I saw that line, I was thinking I’d drop these guys a line and get that sit going.

Oh don’t worry, most of the New Athiest movement are Trump supporters now, because the alternative was say nice things about a WOMZ

The weird thing is, Death spends a lot of time trying to recruit Bill and Ted into his clandestine intelligence operation in the most recent version of the script.

Yeah, Trent’s actions were specifically calling back to that episode. He even called himself a scary sexy man in the lift.

It’s so weird how smaller movies take ages to come out in the US. I saw this in November (and it’s amazing, you should all go see it)

I bet 500 Quatloos on the newcomer

If you think that DISCO is putting heterosexual men in the back seat, then you’re not paying attention to the show.

But of the male characters who we know have been in romantic or sexual relationships, two out of three are either exclusively hetero or only engaged in known heterosexual relationships. And of the other characters you listed, only two have been shown in sexual or romantic relationships (Burnham and Culber), and one of

I actually read the EU for many years as a teenager, but it was still quite new when I started so it didn’t feel like such a huge thing. And I got bored and lost most of my disposable income around the time Vector Prime came out, so I cut out buying Star Wars novels and comics pretty easily. The prequels being shit

From the context, I think it’s less the Enterprise is the Flagship here, and more there’s some excitement because what the ship means to us - plus the knowing look between Sarek and Burnham, knowing that Spock is aboard.

Stamets got promoted too - he was called Lieutenant Commander in the award sequence

Ash Tyler isn’t heterosexual? Gabriel Lorca isn’t heterosexual, or bisexual at the least?

I think a lot of people are angry that the show’s upset their headcanon - they had this whole thing built up around the battle of Axanar, as mentioned in one episode of TOS, and widely assumed to be part of prior war against the Klingons. There’s a half-dozen depictions of the battle in RPGs, novels and such and in

I know it’ll never happen, but I’d love to see them go international, or just play Dublin. So long as they play Dublin I’m good.

I quite liked how snarly the Universal Translator made Kol in the mid-series finale.

That has nothing to do with my point.

Retcon is any change to existing continuity after the fact, not just an origin story. So yeah, stating the Klingons always looked like that is a retcon. So is Worf saying “it’s a long story and we don’t like to talk about it”, so is the Augment virus. So is calling the Klingon homeworld Kling in TNG series 1, but

Worth picking up and binge watching the first season?