Lorcan Nagle

So, there’s one thing a lot of people criticising DISCO, including Zack have said - that the KIingons on the show are radically different from those on TOS and TNG, but I don’t see it. The best I’ve gotten out of anyone who I’ve discussed it with prior to now is they look different, or complaints about how the

The office of the President was established as being in Paris in Star Trek VI, though it’s very much a blink and you’ll miss it sorta thing.

It’s not even pointing in the same direction!

Do you know what a retcon is? In universe differences between TOS/TMP are explained by the years between both series.

There’s something up with how quickly Paula hung up on Rebecca near the end of the episode. I’m sure we’ll find out why next week, either Trent’s gone to see her, or she figured out he wasn’t planning to blackmail her too, or something

I love Josh listing off names of people he knows or places he’s been

As long as they don’t wear the TMP disco suits

Have you considered just not watching DISCO?

It got me thinking that maybe Carol Marcus’ work was referring to an obscure (read: buried) paper by Paul Stamets

Seriously, if you tried to showehown DISCO into the Abramsverse, there’d be far more continuity issues than where it lies in the Prime timeline.

That was the bridge of the ISS Shenzhou, not Discovery.

I’d love to see some deeper material in the TOS movie timeframe - it’s not well-explored (so to speak), the Federation is still vulnerable enough that a war could feel dangerous, and the asthethic wouldn’t need as radical an overhaul to look good in the modern day.

Oh god, that last scene was utterly heartbreaking. I was expecting her to turn back, I kinda wanted her to, even though walking away is probably the right choice.

In an amusing prop moment, this is the second or third time that one panel with all the cables has had someone moving said cables around while it smoked and sparked. But it’s a patch panel, which is basically the modern computer network equivalent of a telephone switchboard. It always makes me laugh to think that all

He’s cameoed in the Fox X-Men and FF movies too - he’s on the beach when Senator Kelly washes ashore in X-Men, and the plays Willie Lumpkin in one of the Fantastic Four movies.

Watching the scene in DISCO again, you can see that it actually has aft torpedo launchers - it fires a bunch of shots into the core as it approaches, flies through the core, and then fires more torpedoes on the way out.

I enjoyed the books no end, but haven’t had a chance to reread them in advance of the show. While some of the visuals look generic, and some of the changes seem odd, overall I’m looking forward to this.

It’s the Daily Mail. They definitely read and reread it to ensure maximum tastelessness

Shoot the first few with tranq darts to make your point, then switch to adrenaline?

I was trying to figure out what the difference between “Best Album” and “Best Record” are.