Lorcan Nagle

Hey there, I’m a 40 year old man, who engaged in a lot of shitty behaviour in my late teens, and can distinctly remember a few instances where I engaged in behaviour towards women which would deservedly be worthy of a me too hashtag if the women I creeped on decided to openly talk about it.

Maybe you should educate yourself to the history of the conflict in Northern Ireland before you shoot your mouth off any more.

Except that wasn’t what was happening, and even though O’Riordan’s reading of NI politics was facile, even she wasn’t that stupid.

It was specifically written about the killing of two small boys in an IRA bombing. I get wanting to stick to one’s guns, but there’s a point where it gets tasteless in this context, you know.

It’s about the conflict in Northern Ireland - hence the whole “tanks, bombs, bombs, guns” thing, and “it’s the same old thing since 1916" is a direct reference to the 1916 rising, which was the formative moment in the campaign to free Ireland from British rule.

In all honesty, it’s better as a song about zombies than it is about the Troubles

I don’t know how to describe it, but there’s something in Letif’s voice that stands out to me, I can hear it in the American accent he uses in the show and his natural accent as well. And I could hear it in Voq’s English too.

Ice to grope you!

I spotted a lot of hints - Lorca tells him he fights like a Klingon, Stamets notes how tall he is, his speech at the Party is basically what a Klingon would say - but I wonder if I would have noticed them if I wasn’t looking. Like, when Stamets called Tilly captain in episode 8 I assumed he’d seen a glimpse of her

I think if it wasn’t for people realising Javid Iqbal wasn’t real, the Voq/Tyler thing would have been a total shock.

I’m relieved they didn’t drag out the Tyler-as-Voq reveal after he killed Culber last week. 

Ugh, that’s horrible. I’m lucky enough to be in a region where it’s on Netflix, and watched DISCO on my phone on the way into work this morning. The only problems were when I got jostled or had to move on the tram and wound up hitting the back key or jumping to a different part of the episode.

Giving out to Nathaniel and White Josh after they’d thrown their baskets of chips on the ground and them immediately apologising and cleanign up was also great.

The US definition of Libertarianism is a right-wing ethos

Now they they’ve vanquished KFC and finally won the franchise wars, yes

Why’d they change it?

Yeah, it’s entirely a power thing rather than sexual gratification. Presumably it’s common in Hollywood because of the level of insulation between the elite and the general public, and the idea that they’re so beloved they can get away with whatever they want

Uh, spoilers then, I guess?

My watch list for series 1 would be

Personally, and I get why this is a sticking point for other people, but personally I’m more interested in having a show that looks good and feels contemporary, regardless of whether it’s set right beside another show or movie in the same franchise from years or decades prior.