Lorcan Nagle

Burnham and Tyler and L’Rell and Tyler are totally a thing

I cam to that conclusion as soon as they mentioned the Shenzhou and that Burnham was the ship’s captain in the Mirror Universe.

Cruz also said on After Trek that his favourite scene in his entire career is still to come in the series, so presumably we’re going to see a flashback, his mirror version (EDIT: or not, they say later in the piece that they decided not to have Mirror Culber show up), or some other alternate universe incarnation.

It’s been repeatedly stated to be in the Prime timeline.

Oddly, I’m reading a Pat Cadigan novel right now and a character smuggles a piece of contraband technology in a fake diabetes pump.

U2 moved as much of their business operations abroad as soon as the government did away with the tax breaks for artists. There’s loads of BONO PAY YOUR TAX graffiti up in Dublin, which is always hilarious.

Fun fact, last year it was determined in an EU court that Apple hadn’t been paying all the tax they should in Ireland (you know, where they channel most of their profits through a “sales company” to avoid paying higher taxes in the US), and they owe us something like 18 billion. Which is enough to seriously help a

In all honesty, if this happens I’ll likely drop Netflix and go back to pirating everything.

Microsoft only own the digital rights, Topps owns everything else.

I would also like to endorse this particular proposed feature

My parents and my mother-in-law, and that’s about it.

Fox News tried to do one at the height of Jon Stewart’s popularity, and it sank like a lead balloon, even while preaching to the converted

Oddly, I have the exact opposite opinion towards the books - loved the Kovacs ones, hated Market Forces (though I far preferred Black man/Thirteen to his other SF novels)

I was thinking they could be in an alternate universe, rather than an alternate future.

IIRC there was significant re-editing of the show before it aired, so it could be that some scenes were consolidated but were spread out across multiple episodes during the edit. Not that it makes Glover’s level of screen time vs billing any less o a question, but it might explain more around the recurring/guest cast.

The Church’s influence in Ireland is thankfully diminished in recent years, the public turned against them in a big way when the child sex abuse scandals kept on coming, and then the Magdalene laundry stories got a lot of traction, and then last year they found hundreds of dead children buried under a septic tank at a

There’s another high-profile case related to abortion in Ireland, where a woman died during a lengthy miscarraige 5 years ago - the foetus was brain-dead but still had a heartbeat and the hospital refused to terminate the pregnancy on those grounds, her uterus was open for days and as a result she contracted sepis and

I’m a pro-choice activist in Ireland, and a few years ago I had some guy yelling at me about the Plannet Parenthood bullshit while I was up a ladder putting up a poster for an upcoming rally.

I average one or two cinema visits per year, yes.

Agent get my agent on the phone