Lorcan Nagle

The full-on skinhead look was popular in Ireland again a couple of years ago, jeans tucked into docs, suspenders over white t-shirts, the whole thing. I never picked up the nerve to ask any of them if they just liked the look or were into the political scene as well.

On reviews, I don’t go by all reviews, I’ve found a number of people who’s opinions I agree with - so I know their tastes and mine align.

1. If you can read the reviews of Justice League and conclude that it’ll be just fine, then your mind was already made up, and well, I hope you enjoy the movie.

So you think that Justice League and Boo 2! A Medea Halloween are the potentially good movies this week. K

Why go to either of them? There’s this revolutionary new thing the kids are doing called ‘not going to the cinema unless there’s something good on’

On top of everything else that’s been posted, Twitter also took reports of abuse or harassment more seriously if the reporter was verified.

There’s enough media out there which gets good reviews that one can be entertained for two hours without rolling the dice on it. Is The Death of Stalin out in the US yet? Go see that instead, it’s hilarious.

If he doesn’t, there’s one sitting in the prop department for Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, and I’m sure they’d be willing to part with it

Now, this is a crazy idea, but... You could just not go see the shitty film?

I’d be willing to bet their printers are set to colour as default, and they have a nightmare whenever someoen says “print this in black and white to save toner”

In Ireland’s case, we had to put it to a vote because of the language regarding marriage in our constitution, which can only be changed by referendum. Exactly why marriage is defined in our constitution is another question. (I was incredibly emotional listening to the results come in that morning, and Dublin had a

That might be a productive use of an hour in work today...

Yeah, it was the first time Maurice Hurley spoke about his time on Trek, IIRC - and he died not long after the interview. And DC Fontana and David Gerrold specifically said that Leonard Maislisch’s interference was why they quit the show, but were circumspect in the past.

And on that note, I’d recommend anyone interested in Trek’s tumultuous first few years to check out Chaos on the Bridge, William Shatner’s excellent documentary on the subject. 

I vote for Saru to grow a beard for DISCO series 2

I’ve read the first Rama book and liked it well enough, but not so much as to read further.

I’ve always wondered how much Clarke actually wrote in those books, or if he just let Lee go wild in his universe.

That’s more the Marvel Mangaverse Punisher’s shtick

I’d rather vote for Broom Darryl from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

“ Although, it’s somewhat crazy we get Klingon tits on “Star Trek” before two gay male characters kiss.”