Lorcan Nagle

Rebecca’s plot this week hit me really hard. Thankfully my own issues with mental health have never been that rough, but some of the people closest to me have been there recently, and I couldn’t help but insert them into the narrative.

You can always fall back on the TARDIS being stuffed full of bras, which is the classic complaint from the Daily Mail website when Whitaker was announced.

I would pay cash money for Bungle, Zippy and George to show up in Doctor Who

It’s something I think will come with time. Like how O’Brien became a character in his own right but was just there to say Farpoint seems boring, and then to deliver lines about beaming stuff in and out for a year or two.

Yeah, there was even a scene in episode 3 where Burnham ran into her in the mess hall, but Detmer blanked her.

To be fair, when Chang started that fight he was only up against Enterprise.

Your opinion is bad and you should feel bad

>>If she’s a feminist, she’s a shitty “white feminist” only out for one woman (herself)<<

Burning books also isn’t censorship, unless the government does it.

The closing credits (all Rebecca Bunch except where noted)

Social media is not a public platform

I’m working under the assumption that Victoria is the NuWSU version of Flint (the other two were members of DV8 in the old comics). Been greatly enjoying the Wild Storm, an issue 1 of Michael Cray was a good read too.

That’s not how censorship works.

There’s a place called Mary Ann’s Pizza, and the difference is, Mary Ann gets in the Pizza with you!

I see it as a good excuse to rewatch The Wire from the start

The other point on the Tyler is Voq theory is that Shazad Letif was originally announced to be playing a Klingon named Kor, but then they said he was going to beplaying Tyler instead, and Kor was renamed Voq.

How many starfish did she kill?

I loved that Paula was the most incredulous ‘public radio? It’s there a different kind? With pictures?’

We do get that war map in just about every scene with an Admiral, but we have no idea what the detail on it is

I’m totally Embracing DISCO as the show’s nickname. I may even write lyrics about it to the tune of D-I-S-C-O