Lorcan Nagle

Ah hell, Marilyn Manson is a band I lost interest in after Holy Wood, but those first few albums were killer, especially Antichrist Superstar.

You should maybe check the credits on the show and see how many of the writers and producers have a history with Trek going back to the 80s

To be fair, that’s very much the Star Trek way, especially the TOS era.

I’ve described the show as Into the Pale Moonlight - the series a couple of times

I have been enjoying DISCO a great deal, so this engladdens my heart.

Me not care about that stuff at all. Me care about watching show me can enjoy, and me have enjoyed hell out of this show so far. So what if it not slavishly adhere to minutae of Trek — it gets spirit of Trek as well as anything in franchise has.

So did anyone else think having DISCO as the short form for Discovery on the shirts was a bit of a ill-thought out design choice?

Not that it’ll necessarily be consolation - but remember when TNG premiered? Essentially the same kinds of arguments were bandied about.

>>Yeah I basically never wanted to punch Josh more than when he was like “woohoo, I’m off the hook.”<<

They eventually put the class into production, loads of Defiant class ships show up in the Dominion War.

Worth noting that Ron Moore quit Voyager about 3 episodes after joining the writing crew post-DS9 finale, because he couldn’t believe how much the show had squandered the setting. In many ways BSG is his commentary on Voyager.

To clarify, I meant the pacing AoS uses nowadays, where any plot element is either resolved, explained or expanded on no more than two or three episodes after it’s been introduced. If you look at the pacing of the stories since Burnham has reached the ship, we go from her having no idea what a black alert is to

The bit where the guy in the first porn with Candie getting back in the mood by sneaking a look at “Hombre” magazine made me laugh more than it probably should have.

Given the show seems to use Agents of SHIELD’s rules of pacing a storyline, I’m sure we’ll know what’s up in like 2 weeks, 3 tops.

I thought Stamets said “You were in danger”, meaning he injected himself with the Tardigrade DNA so he could save Culber as much as everyone else

Unless she was lying to Burnham, she said she has an allergy to certain fabrics that makes her snore, and that’s why she had a room to herself.

Do you want to buy her new painting?

Fair point, but she later clarified it wasn’t Stone.

In this particular instance, she reports them to Twitter and screenshots the initial tweets side by side with the response from Twitter syaing they don’t breach TOS.

Oh, I’ve missed Heather talking about how much she loves Dramaaaaaaaaaaaa