Lorcan Nagle

AI? In the top ten? Really?

Dogshit and gobbledygook smothered in pretentious self-righteous social justice hokum peddled by the bourgeois socialists running this rag.

hbomb seems to be using scanline as the title for this series of video essays about media (as opposed to his games or social commentary), and I’m guessing Randall didn’t look too closely at the channel name.

that other bearded fat asshole whose name escapes me right

Leaving aside the excellent critique from the hbomberguy videos that Kirono Sucks posted, there’s huge problems with the so-called anti-essjew movement.

Discovery is explicitly set in 2256, which, if it’s set in the Kelvin timeline is 2 years before the main action in star trek

In my personal defence, I only got around to watching the episode tonight. I got sidetracked on Monday by Star Trek

Also: This site still exists?

Javid Iqbal is playing Voq

There’s a lot of stuff that’s not on Netflix in the US but is billed as an original in other countries - The Expanse, Better Call Saul, and The Mist all spring to mind. And Rick and Morty has a Netflix logo at the start of the series 3 episodes even though it’s not billed as an original.

The official abbreviation is DSC, though Memory Alpha and a few other fansites are using DIS for consistency with VOY and ENT

In the show, there is something about Picard that sets him apart from other humans. Sometimes that means he’s accepted when no other human would be (his relationship with Q is the most notable example if this, and Q himself makes clear that it is Picard he likes, and not humans)

Klingons do it

I’ve seen some utterly insane twisting of logic recently to explain how they really do have money and the economy in Star Trek is just like today from people who at least claim to have seen the show.

It’s also worth noting that a lot of the people advertised as speaking at the planned “Free speech weekend” either declined the invitation or were never contacted by the organisers. It’s pretty clear this whole thing was a scam/stunt from the get-go.

As a frequent user of the word Poltroon, I whoelheartedly endorse this product or event.

And whenever Trump does something that isn’t equal parts evil and incompetent, it will never mean he’s becoming presidential

Yeah, literally the only things 4Chan’s taken action on is distributing child porn, and people organising harassment campaigns on their boards. And then 8Chan came along to serve those needs.

It’s why he started throwing himself campaign rallies IN FEBRUARY.

Of course Trump is going to keep the both sides bullshit going. It has milaege with centrists and assures the actual facists, nazis and white supremacists that he’s still on their side.