Lorcan Nagle

this means nothing to me.

I’m looking for a Sheeperson, I can trade a Brickperson or 2 Wheatpersons

Well, I’m certainly looking forward to fielding dozens of questions from my userbase asking when they can get these fucking phones.

They’re apparently going to DMCA all the videos he’s posted of their games.

My word, that’s the loudest profanity I’ve ever heard!

Like The Greetest for No Raisin notes, there are Battle Beasts who had a little hole in their chest that you looked through to see if they were fire, wood or water rather than the rubsign the early ones had. I somehow wound up with a couple of these, despite never knowing anyone who had them or noticing them in a toy

I was hoping it wouldn’t be bad just because of all the online bitching, but it looks like just this once, the internet hate engine has been justified.

You’re thinking of Battle Beasts, which oddly was part of the Transformers franchise in Japan.

Ha, Jessica would totally make Danny walk Lockjaw when it was raining. Or she was hungover.

She was Oates.

And the CBS one if you’re in the US and want the new Star Trek...

And I hate to use a South Park reference, but still: I couldn’t bear to see Lars living a life of only partial luxury

I certianly stopped pirating stuff when they shot down Napster.

Oh come on, we did that all the time on Disqus too

A load of my friends have been referring to this as Stephen King’s IT, specifically with the title in capitals.

At least until 39, anyway.

God-Emperor of surrealism

Who are you to resist, huh?

You still have EuroDisney! You all still have EuroDisney!

Apparently the original cut of that song had Rachel Bloom collapse at the last “I had a stroke”. I hope that turns up in the future.