Lorcan Nagle

Other than the vehicular assault, we have a young man beaten severely with iron bars in a car park beside the Charlottesville police station. We have a group of students beaten by the Tiki torch mob on the Friday night when they tried peaceful protest. We have Cornel West crediting Antifa with saving his life, and

Same reason God needs a Starship

Punching a nazi is just as bad as being... I can’t actually finish that joke. Punch some fucking nazis.

Now playing

So long as this doesn’t hurt Makey Makeover I’m OK.

Oh Spidey: You so fine? Or MENACE TO SOCIETY?


As one of my old co-workers who streamed Fox News at his desk once told me about one of Fox News’ cadre of replaceable blonde newsreaders on his second monitor: “Just look at her. I don’t care what she’s saying.”

Just off to the side, Kevin J. Anderson fell to his knees screaming NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

It was used in Twin Peaks a couple of weeks ago too. Maybe its time has come

There seems to be a section for blocking people in your dashboard. I’ve not looked further than that but it’s there

‘Because you’re like, such a good person.’

4channers are actually making “antifa” accounts on social media and spreading images of domestic abuse with slogans calling for antifacists to attack women as strongly, if not moreso than men.

Clarke actually commented on that relating back to her nudity clause. she said she was willing to bare all if the scene called for it, and agreed that her walking naked out of the conflagration worked for the scene.

I’m thinking of trying to marathon the whole thing in a day, just because I’m pretty sure I’ll have some sort of epiphany a few hours in.

Can’t wait for the sun to swallow the earth and put us all out of our misery in just a few short hours. Enjoy arbys

So, my AV Club RSS feed hasn’t updated since yesterday, does the new site format not do RSS, or is there a specific URL I need to follow? None of the different options Feedly gives me to try seem to work.

…down by the schoolyard?

sure he does, it's that one play on broadway.

Just remember that no matter how many times a reactionary troll yells that you're the one who's triggered, it won't change that their choice for president can't go 24 hours without screaming like a child about something, and that one tough guy from the Vice documentary was in tears when he heard there was a warrant

You need to squeeze Antifa and/or Black Lives Matters are terrorists, and George Soros is paying protestors in there too.