Lorcan Nagle

It's been Friday in Ireland for 12 hours! Get on this!

They're white

I have literally seen people argue that the Native Americans came from Siberia originally and therefore have no original claim to the land. Like, humans didn't evolve in continental America therefore it's up for grabs.

There absolutely is a thing called Antifa. It's just nothing like the way it's described in US media.

I've been assured he's history's greatest monster

"good" news, the nazis did murder someone on Saturday

As in "whatever happened to them?" or "whatever happened to labelling radical left-wing types as anarchists?" or "anarchists in my day used to stand for something, instead of these guys who just want to break stuff?"?

And antifa are the real commie terrorists. Gotta get that in there too.

Damn, that Venn diagram analogy is a really good way of putting it. I was trying to explain the difference between a black bloc and antifa to some friends yesterday

It's worth noting that not everyone who dresses in black and hides their face at a rally is Antifa. There's plenty of people who are radical anticapitalists and use the same tactics, but go in for vandalism and other violent provocation. And of course, many of those raidcal anticapitalists are also members of Antifa.

He has every disease simultaneously, and as such is virtually invincible?

Yeah, it started in the 30s over here in response to the rise of facism in Italy and Germany

My favorite has been 'seize all means of reproduction', it's an incredible density of jokes in a small number of words

Reactionary types have been playing up Antifa as the big enemy since early in the year. Maybe the Berkeley riots, maybe a bit longer. But they had never heard of Antifa before 2017 for sure.

Oh yeah, of course. You wouldn't be able to swing a dead cat for use of dog whistle words like "thug"

>>By the way, imagine if the roles were reversed here, I bet Donnie and company would have a lot to say<<

The Monkees are fucking awesome though. That album that came out last year was great.

"Still, when my daughter was three years old we were listening to some rock album and she said, "Daddy, can girls sing this kind of music?". It was an really self-reflecting moment for me. Because, well, not lots of females DO play rock music in the big scheme of things…and I don't listen to any who do (for the most


What's happening in your life can have a major effect as well. One of my grandmothers died a few years ago, the same week I had an exam, and about a month after an aunt of mine also died (and in the middle of a year where someone I knew died roughly every two months).