Lorcan Nagle

Hell, this year is the 21st anniversary of homosexuality being made legal in Ireland, IIRC. I'm incredibly proud that we voted for marriage equality, but it wasn't too long ago that a gay person could face legal discrimination if somebody decided to make an issue of their sexuality

I think it's going to be on Space in Canada rather than CBS, but I'm not 100% sure.

DS9 explained it: change in fashion.

Apparently that was in the script, during the climax when Scotty was souping up the Transporter he was going to materialise a beagle at one point.

It's airing on regular TV in Canada, Netflix everywhere else outside the US

Undeniably true, and I'm sure the fact that the fan hate died down as TNG improved isn't a coincidence, but the initial hatred was basically because it wasn't TOS. Never mind that the movie series was in full swing at the time…

TNG was hated by a large chunk of Trekkies for the first two or three years. There were actual protests outside Paramount's studios. William Shatner did a great documentary called Chaos on the Bridge all about the troubled first couple of years of the show's production, though it concentrates on the behind the

Of course, there's a whole bit in Generation Kill debunking the Serpentine thing, and IIRC it was one of the things they didn't embellish for the TV show…


Yeah, it was a whole plot point when she had been infected by the virus late in series 7, but she was so addicted to switching gender that it exacerbated the symptoms.

The female changeling literally changed between male and female forms on the show. Back and forth, back and forth.

How would you like it if someone called the US a British colony? Because 1: we were conquered rather than colonised, 2: our native population was also the target of a pogrom-like program, though we remained the majority population and 3: we also fought a war to be free from British control.

The real progress here is that we're letting a black guy get away with being a creepy sexual predator. Racism is over!

I've shown it to people who don't know Macross, and they were happy with all the explosions :D

And most of the middle of the most recent Macross TV show.

I got a really awesome VF-1S toy only a couple of weeks ago. I love that over 30 years later they're making updated and complicated toys, but the design is timeless.

FASA basically cut a deal with a company called 20th Century Imports, who had picked up distribution rights to a bunch of anime model kits, including ones from Macross, Dougram and Crusher Joe. TCI claimed they could license out the art and designs, but it seems they were less than truthful on that front, and that's

FASA is long gone, BattleTech is owned by Topps (and Microsoft) these days, with the tabletop game being published by a small company called Catalyst Games Labs. They're actually in the middle of redesigning the Macross, Dougram and Crusher Joe mechs to be similar to the originals but less lawsuit friendly. (After

Do You Remember Love managed it, but it massively changed the narrative so it was more of a brief synopsis of Macross with even more awesome dogfights than a real adaptation.

Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but it seems to me that when the giant that holds up the earth dies, we are screeewwwed.