Lorcan Nagle

As always, it's political when they don't agree with the message There's been overt political messages in Doctor Who since at least the Pertwee era, when the writers went out of their way to include social themes in the stories.

It doesn't work on wood…

I think people were complaining more about Billie Piper at the time, as she was best known for some incredibly awful pop music before Doctor Who.

Of course, Wonder Woman has been a man twice in the last 15 years - not that anyone who's complaining has ever read a fucking comic

I think they made that exact joke in Bloodshot Reborn!

Grease is the most reprehensible delivery vehicle for great songs ever.

No word of a lie, there was an Irish singer who recorded a cover of Everybody Hurts by REM, and likened the mood of the song to the frustration of a bad round of golf.

Born, bred, raised and living in Dublin - the family name comes from Cork, where there's a mountain range named after us.

Well, that was your chance to prove yourself the better man than those hypothetical Irishmen

I'm not joking.

I'm Irish, so that was actually discriminatory.

Keep reaching for that rainbow.

relative height depends on the scale involved.

I must say, I'd give your posts here a 4.

Minimalism is in these days.

You do realise what you posted as comments to Breitbart are visible too, right?

I dunno, did you watch Colbert's interview with John Oliver from last night? When they went to Moscow to interview Ed Snowden, his Producer found a guy in his hotel room, who claimed he was there because they called down to reception to have the window opened…

You do realise your comment history is visible, including all your posts to Breitbart, right?

Let's obliterate those literati!

with 4-6 players, playing to 10 points generally means it'll end at around the 60-90 minute mark. I once got into a game that just kept adding players and it was fun, but did start to drag after a while.