Lorcan Nagle

Also, in the UK the term Asian is more frequently used to describe Indian and Pakistani people, rather than Japanese, Chinese and Korean. So context becomes an even bigger thing

Sometimes it's replaced by a van from Two Guys From Quantico Pizza

I was coming to post something similar. If this was Trump, there'd be angry screeds on Twitter and official press conferences about how if he didn't touch it space aliens would invade or whatever bullshit defence his team coked up.

DeepText is dead.


And they're both based on the old nursery rhyme 'who killed cock robin?'

I'm a Discordian and I married an atheist, so yes

I don't even like Aquaman and I love that song

We could become rounded individuals with keys and credit cards and everything

I thought the CG was really good, especially by the standards of Doctor Who.

I'm a big Third Doctor fan, loved the ending but felt the buildup was very perfunctory. There was no reason to care for the soldiers who died, or why Friday switched sides.

I think it was one of the podcast commentaries where I first heard him talking about it, yeah.

There's a similar but slightly less evil setup on singing shows like The X-Factor, where there's a first audition to a team of producers who vet the act for level of talent and how likely they are to cause a scene. The people seen by the panel of celebrity judges are screned to either be genuinely talented, or to do

Like Fry! Like Fry!

Let's check out your chart. Let's see how you're doing, here. Okay. All right. Dan Egan Donald Trump, 67, female. Unemployed campaign manager. Thirty different types of semen pumped from stomach, inverted nipples, abnormally high douche readings—that makes sense. Cancer of the soul, traces of dog excrement found

Remember when the White House staff were trying to get people to not call the AHCA Trumpcare a few weeks/months/years ago?

Galen Tyrol was BSG's Miles O'Brien. Working-class, Chief Petty Officer, technical genius, good in a fight. And most importantly, he got shit on at every opportunity.

According to JMS, his plan for the Earth Civil War arc was to end it a few episodes into series 5, much the same way the Shadow War arc is resolved in the first 6 of series 4. IIRC he got told about halfway into series 4 that the show wasn't being renewed, so he dumped 5 planned episodes, brought the planned finale up

I was coming to post much the same thing. Moore was very open about how much of the show was being made up as they went along at the time.

Maybe you should have gotten involved in politics, not sat around, listening to the stuffy music about the buttocks!