Lorcan Nagle

That was in May's home constituency, I wanted to more point out that the Official Monster Raving Loony Party are a constant presence in UK general elections. This year the OMRLP ran 12 candidates in total, with 3,890 votes between them, and they've run varying number of candidates every election since 1983.

You'd have to lose a war before anyone from Fox would read something written by an englishman

Sieze the methods of record production!

The Nixon years were dark times, yes.

Hamlet, prince of cats

Like How Timothy Bottoms played George W Bush on the short-lived Trey Parker/Matt Stone sitcom That's My Bush! and again in the "drama" DC 9/11: Time of Crisis?

There's a long-standing tradition of joke candidates in the UK, most famously the Monster Raving Loony Party. Lord Buckethead in particular has run against John Major and Margaret Thatcher in the past as well, maintaining the narrative of being an intergalactic space lord each time.

Labyrinth was a childhood favorite of my wife, but while I knew of it, I never managed to see it as a kid myself. I tracked down a copy of the long out of print VHS for her as a present early in our relationship, and that was the first time I saw the whole movie. Bring a fan of Bowie and of Muppets, naturally I loved

I've been told regulating goods and services are a bad thing, but, you know, the whole evidence in front of my eyes and such.

Hanoi Hillary actually has a ecent ring to it.

That's a half-truth

Ross is white, Barry is black

$200 a month? Americans really get hosed for their TV and internet. I was paying about €30 a month for a digital satellite subscription (though to be fair, I had the most basic channel selection and no premium options) before I got rid of my TV, and my phone and fibre internet connection is €50 per month.

There's a Storify out there of Chris Kluwe posting pages and commenting on them. It's very funny.

They're called the Black Bloc, basically a flashmob of radical protestors who engage in violent confrontation with reactionary, corporatist or other right-wing groups. They wear the (usually black) face coverings to disguise their identities to make prosecution more difficult. It grew out of various left-wing

On top of what people have already said, he also runs the Open Society Foundation, a philantropic foundation which issues grants to progressive causes, many of which are political campaigns. Between 1979 and 2011 the OSF donated roughly 11 billion in total.

In Ireland, Michael Collins was given a 15s rating, but with a note that parents could still bring their kids because of the historical importance.

Oh, that's a thing. Dude's name is The Golden One, and the only thing funnier than his channel are the people who take the piss out of him.

Don't worry, there were protestant terror groups who were bombing Catholic neighbourhoods to "fight" the IRA too.

According to the article the AV Club linked to, they didn't go straight to rescinding. They contacted a large number of students and based on the outcome of those discussions they rescinded the places of 10.