Lorcan Nagle

Yale Harvard could use an international airport

I've seen a theory that we'e in a micro/mini/teenyverse a la that one episode of Rick and Morty, fidget spinners are our universe's equivalent of gooblebloxes, and we're now powering some asshole scientist's car battery.

There's a great scene in The Snapper where a woman is about to smash a plate on the ground, realises it's one of the good plates, and goes to find something else to break.

I think I even saw Trump in the images on the ceiling at one point.

There's a great short story called Wikihistory, all about the edit record of the universe relating to Hitler's assassination. It's free online, easily googlable.

I read the other day than there are more people working at Arby's than in the American coal industry at this point. And yet this moron is fixated on it like a dog with a bone.

My wife's comment on seeing him was 'aww, he's learned four chords'

Turnabout, cabello

Sense8 was filmed on location in like 10 or 12 cities across 5 continents. During the production of series 1, some of the production staff spent so much time in the air that they could have circled the world twice.


I was coming here to post the same thing

Well, until they made him a Nazi, anyway

If Jesus came back they'd be calling for him to be nailed to the cross again.

If you want a good laugh, check out this guy on YouTube called The Golden One. He's a Swedish "race realist" who goes on about he doesn't hate Jews, just international jewry and such. But his accent is so thick he winds up sounding like the Swedish Chef, but if he was a neo-nazi.

something something typical beta cuck, lol triggered etc.

"Or he may return thinking he's enlightened when he's exactly the same as before."

Gavin's childishness matched to his power is always funny. I was in stitches when he sent his lackey in security to take the flight from China another five or six times to make sure they were right about Jack's flight plan.

The OJ thing was when they got Russ Hanneman on a funder, and they were hiring more engineers. One of them was Jared Patakian, that cyborg motherfucker. To fuck with Jared/Donald Gilfoyle, Dinesh and Carla started saying they needed some way to differentiate the two, and started calling Jared OJ for "Other Jared",

I happened to see that episode a few weeks ago, otherwise I wouldn't have twigged the line myself

To be fair, we don't go to the cinema much and it's usually a consensus (our last outing was going to see The Wind Rises at a Ghibli season in our local arthouse cinema). Just no more of my 'weird shit' by default.