Lorcan Nagle

My wife once tried that - she dumped a bag of Skittles into a glass of Bulmers' (AKA Magners' outside of Ireland) cider.

>>4chan keeps a database of people's faces and tries to match them up with social media/personal info. It's legitimately scary<<

Hey, you're just drunk on dessert wine.

I don't think he's a Tea Partier, but he took the side of the reactionary dickbags during the Hugo Awards shit over the last few years.

I saw a screengrab from /r/the_donald where someone literally said they couldn't believe LePen lost just because more people didn't want her in power.

I do a lot of feminist and pro-choice activism, and the group I'm a member of reached out to a trans rights group here to highlight the intersections around bodily autonomy.

Up until a couple of years ago, I had no idea of what the trans experience was like. Total ignorance. And watching Orange is the New Black and Sense8 were a big part of educating me. Attending a training session on trans awareness done by a local advocacy group helped a hell of a lot too.

>>Yeah, that was Switch. But the entire thing is all about being transgender, it goes beyond a minor character.<<

I don't recall Bug calling Nomi "Mike" after the first time they met, though there is a bit later in series 2 where he talks about her coming back in her hot trans body, which was a bit tasteless IMO

It describes the alt-right themselves very well though

" they're just right wing trolls who've never actually watched an episode."

You've probably found it by now, but it's called Sense8: Creating the World.

Ward was ready to sacrifice himself, but at the end of the episode they said the people who showed up were there to help SHIELD, not apprehend them. And there was a throwaway line about him leading the resistance this week.

Is there a link that has the details? I know Jamie Clayton was apparently glad to see the back of him, but that's all I heard.

My read of it was along those lines, yeah.

The first time Charlie Brooker did a compilation of Cameron walking off it had me in tears laughing

Did he have any thoughts on vapor lock?

Yeah, Doyle's speech at the end of the episode suggested to me that he was well aware

It's easily one of the nicest things Selina has ever said!

Marjoire is fast becoming this show's secret weapon. Her scenes with Selena this and last week had a great mix of comedy and awkward relationship building between a mother-in-law and her new daughter-in-law.