Lorcan Nagle

Fuckin' A

He's done a lot of signal boosting for the show online. He hosted a making of for SyFy around the time series 2 started, took a lot of footage for his YouTube channel at the same time, and has been releasing it over the course of the last few months. There's been some really cool moments in there.

It's completely uncensored on Space in Canada, I assume SyFy have some limit as to how much swearing they can have per hour.

I assume they were pressed for time or something. The scene where Bobbie beats the shit out of Martens was far better choreographed and performed

I don't come to this site for such crass behaviour.

Jones is currently fighting a custody battle by claiming that he's not unhinged, and just plays a character on InfoWars. I'd love to think this means he'll be utterly delegitimised in the eyes of his followers, but who am I really kidding?

I'm currently reading Seveneves by Neal Stephenson. That's literally the plot of the novel.

Yeah, I was originally thinking it meant they were unambiguously making her male, but then I thought of PCOS and other hormonal issues, and that something which doesn't get talked about in mainstream media but a lot of people know about is definitely in Archer's wheelhouse for a joke reveal later in the series.

I can't remember if they've been named in the show, but in the books they're called Point Defence Cannons.

Oh, those aren't railguns. Generally you don't get them mounted on ships as small as the Roci - the Anubis-type stealth ships were unprecedented for mounting a railgun each, and it was part of why they were able to take the Donnager.


He's an acceptable replacment. Barely.

I'm wondering if it marks the return of Zack Woods as whathisface from ages back.

She was like the Pele of anal

That's definitely the feeling I got from the video Bobbie found on Marten's hand terminal. Mars just happens to be the highest bidder

I found cyborg Barry significantly less fun than Barry the sad sack who's better than Archer on paper but usually gets the shaft when they wind up working together. When he went Cyborg and basically showed up to wreck Archer's day and be unstoppable, that got old quick. Though to be fair his last two appearances

The calendar was also the month of May

Here's what Mister Poopybutthole is up to:

Also, it stops the beer from flying out of an open can if it moves the wrong way in microgravity

Apologies, I was getting my scales wrong. This is why I'm an amateur science nerd :D