Lorcan Nagle

I assume the psychology of knowing you're enclosed has something to do with it - on Mars you're in a dome or in a suit, you know there's a limit to your world in a way that there isn't on Earth.

She did give the first fuck, but it was back in episode 1 or 2 this year.

I loved that they ramped up the light saturation in the scene where the martians walked off the Scirocco's lander. It was a nice subtle way to show that the amount of sunlight the Earth gets is an order of magnitude higher than Mars - no Martian has seen a light that intense unless they've travelled down the sun's


Uh yes, I gathered.

I actually only saw Rogue One last night for the first time. I'd been inadvertantly spoiled on a couple of details, but the spoilers were vague enough that a lot of what happened was still a surprise.

>>I said the same thing about 101 Dalmatians. Did anyone listen to me?! Noooo!

Ironically, The Expanse was based on an RPG campaign…

I watched series 1 of Dark Matter last year and thought it was decent enough, but amazingly generic. My wife often sarcastically calls the various SF shows I watch 'Battlestargate trek 5', but this really felt like it.

"Somewhat dumb and unbelievable" is basically every 80s movie!

I have an unashamed love for Working Girl.

Hey now, some of us watch people playing board games there!

We had a woman from the Dublin branch of one of the pro-choice groups (who's name I'm not going to mangle by trying to spell, and it's damn near impossible to google "pro-choice polish groups" and get anything but news about Black Monday) speak at one of our open meetings last year, and it was just horrifying. Seeing

I think he wound up on Tycho after being rescued while afloat in deep space, rather than returning to Ceres and then travelling to Tycho.

I was searching for a pic of the Scirocco earlier and discovered that some print on demand people have been selling clothes with the ship's insignia and/or registration code on them. I was tempted by the general MCRN ones I'd seen, but this is doubly so.

I couldn't take the day off so I just half-assed my whole work day. (I did help out at a fundraiser gig in the evening so I played my part!)

I do a lot of pro-choice activism in Ireland, and we've got a big Polish community here now, and there's a lot of solidarity between our struggle to legalise abortion and their struggle to hold onto what few rights they have at home. Their women's strike was a huge success, and was a fantastic moment for women's

Well if the batshit conspiracy crowd are to be believed, Obama and an army of 30,000 "thugs" have set up a shadow government to fight Trump.

On the subject of Louis Theroux. Past shame can never be forgotten. Especially when one of your best friends is a comedian and puts stuff like this on his youtube channel:

I think your criticisms here are fair, but somewhat YMMV. I prefer when he asks the slightly pointed questions he figures will pull something out of his subject to the times he's more direct and accusatory (I think it was the UFO one where he straight-up asked someone "you don't really believe all this, do you?").