Lorcan Nagle

I wound up rewatching a bunch of his older documentaries over Christmas. The one where he spends a few days in a casino in Vegas is amazing. And the one where he goes to a brothel is pretty grim (and he's reading a Dinesh D'Souza book in some scenes!)

I am serious, and don't call me Shirley.

"Today we're going to show you eight silent ways to kill a man."

Illuminatus! always gets an upvote

They first show up in Nemesis Games, I don't want to say more if you've not read that far…

He's in next week's episode, there's a clip on the Syfy YouTube channel

Short answer: yes with an if. Long answer: no with a but.

They were mirrors to reflect and amplify the sun's light onto the agricultural domes. Ganymede is the breadbasket of the outer system, but you don't get much natural light that far out (the inverse square law means the sun's intensity decreases by an order of magnitude every time you double the distance), so they

I assumed Drummer was taking remote control of the torpedo in her scene with Naomi towards the end of the episode.

I'd buy that for a dollar!

It's probably fair to split this down the middle. The Oscars gets either moongazi or moongate. The inevitable Lunar scandal gets the other.

I could get behind that.

And McCarthyism managed to ruin a good few people's lives before he was stopped, too.

Milo's not even American! Did you guys lose a war or something?

He got a lot of pushback from neo-nazis and other alt right extremists about that article too.

He had his own tech journalism site before he went to Breitbart, but after he was fired from the Telegraph. It floundered, he didn't pay his writers, and somehow he got bought out and the buyers settled his debts.

David Futrelle, who runs We Hunted The Mammoth has spoken about that a few times, and he was talking about how the Alt-Right was consuming the Men's Rights Movement well before it was noticeably happening.

Apparently the plot for the series is Archer investigating who killed Woodhouse.

And the Yellow Ranger in the Japanese show that got used for the original Power Rangers was a man. Which is why the yellow ranger costume didn't have a skirt but the pink one did.