Lorcan Nagle

Bionic Barry got a bit old for me in the space station 2-parter. When he's physically superior to Archer and can just come along and fuck everything up for him it's a bit too much in the opposite direction from the sad sack human version. The episode with Pam's sister's wedding and when he showed up last year were a

Speaking as an Irish person, Mallory's unswerving hatred of the Irish always has me in tears.

Excellent, I'd checked Wiki a while back and he wasn't listed there, glad to get confirmation.

I'll second the recommendations below of:

I think 3 and 4 are quite similar in terms of plot structure, but I found 4 far more compelling.

Pretty much everyone except Holden and Miller is a cipher at the point in the books, and the show writers have brought in a lot of detail from later books and short stories to flesh them out a bit. So that's not too weird a way to feel

I saw a great explanation of Starbuck's disappearance not too long ago. She's the best at everything she does, and she disappears while someone it talking to her but turns their back on her? She's Batman!

Last week I was wondering if she was meant to be Drummer or Pa, and then with her friendship with Naomi and talking about repairing the Roci I assumed she was Sam, but then they called her Drummer in the making of clip on Youtube…

I can't imagine them stretching the material left to adapt in Leviathan Wakes further than episode 6 or 7, but at the same time all the preview material we've seen has been new scenes or ones from book 1 (with one possible exception).

I'm so pleased they got The Voice right. It was nice and creepy and really played into the horror elements of the story

I suppose some of that is down to what equipment was mounted on the station before it was co-opted to be a black science station, and how much Protogen could put in there afterwards. There's also the question of how many people are on the station in the first place, and in that case how much security do you really

Just check out hbomberguy for an antidote to the manchildren. He does hilarious takedowns and occasionally posts some smart stuff about video games too (his one about Doom and trends in the game industry from December or so is especially good)

The idea was to destroy the lay people's faith in the Church by having them believe Nightcrawler was the antichrist. Paul O'Brien's review from the X-Axis covers it in detail:

Every time Adam Savage mentions his liberal politics or progresivism or has a feminist on his podcast, the comments are always I THOUGHT YOU WERE SMART or OH NO, HE'S GONE SJW and similar. And I'm thinking, do these people not pay attention? How could you be a fan of his and only realise now that he's on the left?


Remember the epsidoe of the Venture Brothers where they're phoning everyone to find out what sex move a Rusty Venture is? When they call Colonel Gentleman, he's making a scale model of the same disaster on the back of his dog.

Petitions are useful but not a be-all and end all. What works best is enough people doing everything - go on protests, sign petitions, write to and call your local politicians. Volunteer with activist groups. And that's really difficult. I'm terrible about contacting my local reps for example.

I'm expecting him to run down the aisle singing and then trip on something and knock himself out.

And it's a B from the AV Club, which is the Harvard of the Internet