Lorcan Nagle

She's actually got a playlist on her youtube channel of her Robot Chicken sketches

Gabrielle Ruiz knocked her first scene with Rebecca out of the park this week. That "no, I can't" bit was heartbreaking.

I laughed so much at the bit in Sense8 where Amanita waved a tampon (covered in iodine to make it look used at a glance) at a policeman to make him back off.

I assume he'll try and bust the wedding up while singing another of Rebecca's songs, only to get waylaid three lines in.

I actually went "aww" out loud when Maya turned up at Rebecca's bridal shower

In America these days, every day is white boy day.

I once had to explain this on a comics forum when someone was asking why the X-Men's enemy Nimrod was so called

I didn't bother buying any of Robbie Morrisson's Authority books after that first one-shot and the backup story that ran in a few other Wildstorm books at the time. I've enjoyed a lot of his 2000AD stuff, but his work at Wildstorm didn't grab me at all.

I, Trump am the winner! Now I will leave earth for no rason!

As someone who helps to organise protests, if you want big numbers you schedule for a Saturday. Every time.

President-Elect Trump refused to answer a question from the AV Club at his first press conference, calling them fake reviews

"I'll never forget you, PHILIP J COULSON"

That episode was one of his better? Less worse? moments for sure. Angus Dayton's first episode back on Have I got News for You after his sex scandal was similar.

Oh, it gets much, much better. If you care about the resolution of the mystery of what's up with Coulson, there's a couple of episodes to watch throughout series 1, but if you start at episode 16 or 17 and go from there you'll get a good feel for the way the show moves forward.

He joined the cast towards the end of series 3

I don't know if it happens in other Catholic communities, but here in Ireland there's a whole thing of putting IHS - for "I Have Suffered" on one's grave, and she totally wants that. It was all I could think of during the song!

Flirting with Watson was Scottish, When she was disguised as Faith it was Northern English (Geordie in local slang) and as the therapist it sounded Norweigan or another Scandanavian accent.

Oh I'm so looking forward to The Wild Storm. The question is what format to buy it in.

I'm not a fan of cringe comedy at all but I love Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. I think it balances Rebecca's infinite ability to dig her hole deeper with other more general comedy trappings. Plus, the character interactions are golden.

"sure, we've had our shots!"