Lorcan Nagle

Renewal announcement made earlier today!

I do some work with the Irish branch of a Polish pro-choice group, and they're alternately angry and terrified about what the next step from the anti-choice fuckwads in power will be.

Wait, my brother's 35. Is it his fault? I can work with that.

This is the point where someone posts the Brasseye paedophilia episode and someone takes it as true and goes off to track down the and kill the fake rapper, while a couple dozen more idiots start phoning NASA and complaining about the child trapped on a spaceship with a paedophile.

A bunch of the same people were Gamergaters, and using the same level of "proof" to show that DARPA were being the inclusion of feminism in video games as part of a plot to use weather machines. No word of a lie.

8chan is already a thing sadly. It's where the gamergaters and child pron traffickers decamped to when they became too much of a liability for 4chan.

Speaking as someone who fucks dogs, I don't want to associate with a pigfucker like @avclub-11f9e78e4899a78dedd439fc583b6693:disqus

Lest we forget, when Milo did his guide to the alt-right article where he claimed they weren't racist or anti-semetic, various alt-right commentators told him to fuck off, said they were proud of their racism and used homophobic and anti-semetic insults towards him.

The basement of a pizza parlour. Totally different. The fact that public records show there's no basement just proves everything!

There's a lot of comedy that would be Irish from an American perspective - like Dennis Leary's routines about his childhood, that wouldn't be at all similar to comedy from Ireland.

I hope that Trent returns, and it remains a thing that he tries to sing one of Rebecca's songs and get cut off quickly each time.

But he's the show!

On top of what other people have said, the Spice Girls also said that they admired Margaret Thatcher because she had "girl power", so there's a chance Bloom was mocking their cluelessness on that front too

Rachel Bloom described her character on Crazy Ex-Girlfriend as having blueclit when she pointed out how long it had been since she'd had sex on the show.

I saw it in the cinema for the first time a few weeks ago, there's an impact there you just don't get on the small screen.

The first three episodes of Gundam The Origin are streaming for free on the official Gundam YouTube channel at the moment and are pretty good. The manga they're based on is a retelling of the original TV series, but the parts they're adapting are all flashbacks, so it's effectively a prequel series.

it reminds me a lot of Kei's hair in Dirty Pair: Start the Violence (this is not a bad thing)


"ETA: Wifemate, an art major with a minor in French, says the episode title “Trompe L’Oeil” refers to a method of painting in which the eye is tricked into a 3D appearance."

Kusanagi is bisexual in the manga, so even some aspect of her sexuality has been lost in adaption