Lorcan Nagle

He doesn't leave while there's still whiskey…

There's like 5 or 6 paragraphs talking about Paula's plotline at the end of the review…

It's about time too, most women who have abortions have already had one or more children, so this is far closer to the normal abortion story.

I've been rewatching series 1 and Paula calls Greg an Alcoholic at least once, he's drinking pretty much every time he's studying, and when he passes out at Jaima's wedding White Josh calls it a "classic Serrano pass out"

Or eating naked cheese?

Dolph Lundgren has a degree in chemisty, and a degree and masters in chemical engineering.

I can see that as well. Especially when she ran forward to hug Mr and Ms Heather earlier in that scene, she was deflecting away from all the questions they were asking.

"You'd better run, egg vagina!"

At this point, I've emotionally connected with this show in a way I rarely do. I actually cheered when Greg left, and again when Paula did the right thing and had the abortion.

Hell, this week's episode cheered me up when I was feeling really shitty, so I wouldn't judge anyone for watching it a few times.

I got the feeling at that point that Rebecca wasn't sure if Mr. Heather was really asking her that or if she was imagining it.

Don't worry, the protomolecule (not a spoiler to give the name, it's been mentioned in the show) will continue to be a plot point, but the conflict between the powers in the Solar System will as well. I don't want to say more than that because of spoilers and the show may veer wildly away from the books later on.

A lot of the best SF has no aliens at all.

True, and I wasn't trying to make a direct comparison. It was just the first thing to come to mind.

I'm not sure, somebody posted a list in the comments for episode 1 though.

See, all these movies take place in a small town called Shermer, Illinois where all the honeys are top shelf, but all the dudes are whiny pussies. Except for Judd Nelson, he was fucking harsh! But best of all, there was no one dealing, man. Then it hits me, we could live like fat rats if we're the blunt connection in

The ghost of Steve Jobs will be along shortly to inform you the correct term is MESSAGEPOCALYPSE

If it's further into the future, it could be a case of conflation of what came in different historical periods, like how relatively few people now would bat an eye at Bach and Beethoven's music being put alongside one another, even though Beethoven wasn't born until 20 years after Bach died.

To this day, I still refer to Bob Dylan as Uncle Robert

I was thinking of the side-on cover where Cap's pecs are bigger than his head. But that whole comic was a real nadir for Liefeld.