Lorcan Nagle

Doug, Bob Dylan is alive and well. I produced his last three albums.

There's a CGI sorta-sequel as well that's pretty enjoyable. It's on Netflix, IIRC

The book consists of an action sequence, then about 150 pages of the protagonist's life as he joins the military and progresses through the ranks, capped off with a sequence where he takes part in an invasion but doesn't directly do much fighting. It would not make for a good action/adventure movie.

And maybe, maybe Ridley Scott will get around to his planned adaptation of The Forever War soon.

Yes it is

2010 is a fantastic movie. It's only flaw is that it's a sequel to one of the greatest SF movies of all time, and was never going to live up to that.

Who the fuck is Marvin Hamlisch?

Yeah, that guy!

I dunno, that one Captain America cover's a good contender.

Yeah, quite timely as well with all the discussion of what exactly entails locker-room talk too.

Paula's early enough that she'd just take a bunch of pills and have an early, heavy period.

Hope had an abortion while in prison in Jessica Jones. as a pro-choice campaigner (I live in Ireland, where it was criminalised 3 years ago) I was quite pleased that there was no regret and no second thoughts on Hope's part, even though they got the logistical details of a non-surgical abortion wrong

Yeah, I Have Friends segued right into Settle For Me in the bridge scene.

Netflix is adding new episodes the following day in a lot of regions. I've actually been able to show my support this year.

I love that they played right into it when the men in the break room got uncomfortable and left.

They showed up in Agents of SHIELD in series 1 as well.

I think there was a few bars of I have Friends in one of Darryl's scenes too.

Hey Roffman, you ever been mistaken for a man?

I know I'm late to this, but Janitor who lives in an RV behind the School is awesome.

So I work in the IT department for a corporate office, and while removing the gear from a leaver's desk a few weeks ago I found a complete Heroes box set on the floor. I left it on the desk and it's still there.