Lorcan Nagle

Also, Claire grabs a tag from a flier for Colleen Wing's detective agency in the closing montage, and Wing is in iron Fist.

He probably took out personal loans to pay off the debts, and then defaulted on the loans. This is illegal in many countries, and as I understand it a grey area in the US.

plus, the religious icongraphy was just in there because Gainax thought it looked cool. There's so much written about the significance and a lot of it is just surface level.

I was 15 or 16 when Akira got its video release in the UK and Ireland, and remembering Japanese animation as being the best stuff when I was a kid, I rented it out, and loved it. My brother, who would have been 12 or so at the time insisted the scene where that rebel got shot up be rewinded and played again a good

Probably stuffed in the same room as all of Lillian and Beatrice's kids

And it's a real word of mouth thing. The AV Club did an article on them last year and reviewed them on release, but for such solid action films in the same vein as many of the classic 80s genre entries, they get so little love.

Those two Universal Soldier movies are so, so good.

I keep meaning to learn how to say 'forget it, I'm outta here' in Japanese to replicate the end of the kabuki play with all the recurring characters.

I randomly walk up to friends and family members and quote Old-Fashioned guy. I really need to bring some wood to whittle away at while I do it and get some proper commitment to the bit going.

"Doug, Bob Dylan is alive and well. I produced his last three albums"
"Oh, you mean Uncle Robert?"

There's a bit of that happening with Milo. He's been trying to cosy up to actual Neo-Nazis of late, posting stuff about how they're not all that bad, and they've rejected him in no uncertain terms on the basis of his homosexuality.

I'd love it if they basically adapt the same stretch of the manga that the anime covered, so it has that massive downer ending.


David Willis did a gag on that in 2005, of course:

Shockwave in the comics is much more awesome than the cartoon. The end of the first story arc was him flying in at the end of the final battle, blasting the surviving Autobots and taking over

At first glance, I thought that said "not great songs", and I was ready to defend Cabin Fever and When You're a Profesisonal Pirate to the death, but then I looked again and sanity was restored.

There's been a few attempts to remake BSG as a movie, with at least one post-dating the last TV show. I think it's still in development hell though.

That's a fair comparison, and one that's pretty obvious to me in retrospect.

Check out Ed Piskor's Hip-Hop family tree comic. It's fantastic and highly informative

You would have thought an Irish bad who decided to do a song about the Troubles would have been able to at least be thoughtful about it.