Lorcan Nagle

That's a midterm year

another thing to note is 'Tyrion's' speech at the end of the play, where he says he's going to cross the narrow sea and terrorise the people of Essos. I wouldn't be surprised if it was comissioned by one of the factions arrayed against Danerys

I always approve of more left-handed people. Anywhere.

she was the widow of the guy who could see people's deaths from earlier in the series.

What the hell is a "Chachi"?

I saw him play in Dublin a couple of years ago, promoting his most recent album. Amazing show, I'm so glad I got to go.

I think this is partially Cersei forgetting history and being doomed to repeat it. Lest we forget the Lannisters sacked King's Landing during Robert's rebellion after Jamie convinced King Aegon to open the gates to Tywin's army.

That way, he can hang out on the roof with his friends.

Live the Big Head life! Learn how with my new book, or if you prefer, on tape, yes?

Now she has her own money though.

So my dad used to import sports gear to sell to shops in Ireland, and I'd work in his warehouse during the summer holidays to make spending cash. And the year Titanic came out he got a big shipment of football shoes with the wrong studs, and he hired a few kids to come in and help swap the right studs in.

"but it's a bummer."

Yeah, the big problem is if this leads to a clampdown on fan films in general, in order to prevent an Axanar situation from happening again.

If they don't fight this case, then there's precedent for anyone else to profit from Star Trek. if the Axanar people had been a little smarter in what they were saying (and most importantly, didn't take money to outfit a production studio for use on their own films when they were done), then there wouldn't be a

The difference is that the Axanar producers have been selling merchandise, and have said that they're using the money to build up a full-time production studio. By their own public statements, they're attempting to profit from Star Trek.

Richard T. Splett, if you please.

And it can play with the bullshitzu

It's been on the website for a long time. And I think it's been mentioned once or maybe twice before now.

I have iTunes, I definitely have iTunes
Objectively you can see that I have all the iTunes

fuckin' A