Lorcan Nagle

She's self-selected because she's decided to put her name out there recently for feminist, LGBT and racial discimination causes. If she's courting left-wing poilitical causes in her public life, she's essentially politicising her shows to some degree, even if it's just because some bigot decided not to buy a ticket

Trans-exclusionary feminism is definitely a thing and can be a problem. The pro-choice organisation I volunteer with got hate mail after we started using trans-inclusive language on our website.

I wasn't a huge fan of Gaiman's first arc on Miracleman, but what got published of the second was superb.

I would also like to express my admiration for that particular version of this movie.

I played so much War of the Monsters. Not a great game, but a lot of fun.

"My read on it was that he was just another idiot with an undeserved reputation for competence, earned by sucking up and making vague folksy pronouncement"

At first, I thought he was Erlich's new incubeé

The inside sales department in my current employer (a medical equipment manafacturer) is more about developing business relationships with specific people and keeping them engaged and interested in repeat orders of consumables and supplies. I assume Jan - they call her Jan the Man would be doing similar work

My favourite part of that was the camera panning to Gilfoyle who also had a slice of the melon, but with a bite out of it.

I get the feeling he was made to sleep in a box/cage as part of his messed-up childhood rather than having been homeless.

As soon as Hive absorbed those people to regenerate I've been expecting the parasite to get expelled from Ward's body and he'll be back alive. AGAIN

Until Hiveward showed up at the end I was convinced he'd switched bodies from Ward to Fitz, and it was Hive that returned to the hotel room.

Don't worry, a chunk of any issue of 2600 is usually bullshit of some level. (I love it myself and wish I could afford a subscription, but still)

That sounds amazing. Is there a good link to start with or should I just google?

I got it, but I love all the TV signal takeovers, it's such a fascinating piece of pop culture history.

It originated from left-leaning online communities to represent somebody who doesn't actually do anything but complain about how little other people do for social causes, and you know, fair enough.

I geve that fookin' facehugger a fookin' sweetie, and it fookin' jumped on me fookin' face and shoved a fookin' ovipositor down me fookin' throat!

He'll look for 22 bucks for it, but you can talk him down to 17

Assuming it's not a typo, maybe Amazon and/or iTunes count any or all of Back and Forth, Cavalier Years and Christmas Carol as a series on their own.

Rowan Atkinson has a speech impediment, which comes out mostly when he needs to say plosive sounds like b and p. Which is why the scripts for Blackadder have so many names and made up words that use them (Elton and Curtis took great delight in making Atkinson uncomfortable, especially as his pronunciation is