Lorcan Nagle

You've heard of getting busy? Well this Christian movie gets biz-zay. Consistently and thoroughly.

This actually makes me want to watch it

Not only am I Irish, but even though neither my wife nor I are in any way religious or even consider ourselves Catholics, we still had a church wedding so as to avoid a guilt trip from her mother.

As an old-school Widstorm fan who aggressively disliked the DCU, what did they do to Midnighter and Apollo's relationship? Were they just not together after they merged the continuities, or did they split up?

Monarch and 21 calling each other dude all the way through that bit was great

Why settle for the lesser evil?

Sweet Clyde! Laugh at @bradvalachovic:disqus derisively!

did you just call her "white puta"?

I get the feeling there's going to be a parade of New Chets each week from here on out.

We kinda sorta do

I watched the series through, and while I liked a few jokes each episode it rarely had me laughing out loud. I found it very inconsistent in terms of what made me laugh as well - sometimes it'd be a made-up word gag, other times a non-sequitir, but niether of them would do it every time.

It's one of God's creatures!

My only regret is that I can give but one upvote to a PWEI reference.

Darryl is constantly amazing when he's dancing behind Rebecca. Just watch his face in the I have friends video.

I'm pretty sure that was deliberate, they're waving the red flag of socialism in the background and the song itself gave me serious Red Flag vibes.

In an episode where I was laughing a lot, that was probably the biggest laugh of the night.

Jack White does crazy stuff like that all the time with records he puts out on his label.

A friend of mine has taken to calling them tumblrinas. He's an SA goon so I assume it comes from there.

The origin of the term is actually left wing/progressive types making fun of people who did nothing but boast about how progressive they were online. But it's been appropriated by reactionaries and misused to the point that it makes no sense at all now.

Or Macross Plus. The English dub of it (starring Bryan Cranston!) was so good it actually got released in Japan