Lorcan Nagle

Get an infinity sign tattoo on your lower back.

I've frequently argued that the moment of true heroism in the book is Mal and the newsstand owner going over to break up Joey and Aliene's fight. That they're killed immediately thereafter is the true tragedy.

My guess is that they're going to end up accidentally killing everyone between Monarch and Rusty, much like 21 did with Harangueutan this week.

Oh yeah, she's much more awesome than Agent Squarejaw Facesmash, but they seem to occupy a similar slot in the Marvel villain pantheon

She's basically 1940's Grant Ward, and I'm sure if the show continues there'll be points where she and Peggy reluctantly work together, and others where they're directly opposed.

I saw a "gun control is a steady hand" bumper sticker on a car in Ireland last year. Guns are heavily regulated here and almost impossible to get if you're not a hunter or a farmer. And I live in the middle of Dublin, so there's not many of them around.

I think it was the Doubleclicks who had one of their music videos taken down by YouTube, and they had to prove that they owned to copyright on their own song.


"Let's get this over with ASAP. It's not going to be easy with this gangly piss-flap over here, moves like - hey, what do you move like Will?"
"I move as slowly as a Mississipi detective investigating the murder of a young black man"
"That's right"

When Billie walks into the living room, sees the photos of young Gene, then the camera pans down and she's just sitting there motionless in the fireplace was priceless.

Part of having an anxiety disorder is needing to control your environment. So when someone with anxiety lies, they tell large elaborate ones that attempt to cover as many bases as possible to mitigate follow-up questions, when a simpler lie will almost always do the trick. It's one of the things on the show that…


I also binged it on Netflix. It's possibly the least original SF show ever, but was entertaining enough.

I would endorse a Revelation Space TV series.

She used a lot of the Belter language earlier on in the show, and there's a lot of hints that she's OPA. So while they've not confirmed she's a Belter, they've certainly suggested it (or they're changing her to be a convert to the cause like Julie I suppose)

Speaking as a guy that works in IT, hashtag not all IT Guys.

But you get a bubble tea, or as I call it, boba

The Sunday Sport is basically the Weekly World news of the UK. By which I mean the 'news' is entirely made up, and there's pictures of topless girls every few pages.

Oh hell yes. I almost cheered out loud when the eye went off.

The 'Nam was actually a backup strip in Marvel UK's late 80s-early 90s Punisher comic, along with their adaptation of Robocop. This was aimed at roughly the same audience as all their other US reprint comics, like Transformers…