Lorcan Nagle

Cibola Burn is, IMO Abaddon's Gate but done right. I enjoyed Gate, but definitely felt it dragged more than it needed to. Cibola Burn has a similar structure (The Roci is sent to mediate between two factions, and wind up in the middle of their conflict, and the antagonist is intractable in his deisre to just deal

A few other albums had similar things - The X-Files "Songs in the Key of X" compilation had a Nick Cave track you could only get to by selecting track 0, and White Ladder by David Grey had the rewind trick.

Antichrist Superstar did that to me once. Track 99 there is just a minute or two of weird sounds, but it basically bridges the end of the last track with the start of the first one (which is kinda clever on its own merit), but I had the album on, dozed off about halfway through, and then the hidden track got me wide

Totally agree. Holywood was the last Manson album I picked up and while it's got a few good songs, it's nowhere near as powerful as the first three.

"Have to disagree with Aladdin being considered a "princess" movie. The protagonist is clearly the title character, with the princess becoming little more than a goal for him."

When the fire rains down from the skies, boiling the rivers of blood as soldiers massacre the weak, Arbys'll still be here, fucking yer moms

I changed my IM title to "reads books and listens to the talking stations on the radio" about 10 seconds after Josh described Greg that way

And Father Bruh!

Apparently you need to fall asleep in Hebrew School to do that

I have a dream: a dream of 6.5 billion rotting piles of meat slouching off toward the inevitable permanence of death.

They might do like series 4 of Babylon 5, and have the cliffhanger of series 1 concluded in the first couple of episodes, and then set up the adaptation of Caliban's War.

(apologies for the thread necro, but…) There's an amazing cut scene on the DVD where a guy sitting opposite Harry on the Eurostar attempts to start a conversation, only to get told "If I wanted a conversation with a сunt, I'd have gone to the conversation with a сunt shop"

Oh yes, it's my favourite Bowie album.

I remember seeing Starship Troopers for like the second or third time and noticing the song in the school dance was very familiar, but it took a second before I realised it was a Bowie cover.

As the World Falls Down was the first dance at my wedding. Awesome song.

It's on the UK Netflix, which is accessible via VPN…

That's amazing. I'm tempted to put it back on to see this for myself

The authors are Rush fans, but in-universe it's a Don Quixote reference.

I spotted the fireplace for your home thing on my Netflix front page a week or two before Christmas, and was joking about it with various friends and family members. On Chritmas morning I went over to an aunt's house with my mum, and when we got back to my place I discovered my wife had actually put it on for

But, but, but… THE FLEGS!